Patriot Retort: Say, did you know that Asian reporter Andy Ngo is a White Nationalist?
Seems crazy, no?
Clearly there is a shortage of White Nationalists in America if you have to so completely relax the definition of the term in order to accommodate a gay Vietnamese-American.
It is open season on Andy Ngo — the one reporter who covers the violent Anarchist group Antifa. Ngo’s fellow “journalists” can smear him, libel him, and even with a straight face call him a White Nationalist. MORE
And in addition to the political and social implications of Andy’s work, which they hate, the fake journalists especially really hate it when a real journalist such as Andy makes their fake-ness so painfully obvious.
So is Candace Owen
Basically what @Uncle Al said. In addition to that, this guy Andy Ngo is quite an amazing patriot, he has been at this for YEARS now:
And @Bad_ Brad – that made me feel…GOOD. Thanks.
@groucho marxist – I concur and there are others many others hopefully the silent majority. Look up what happened in ’72 as a possible model?
@ Bad_Brad
Is there something wrong with me if watched that 5 times in a row?
I wonder if that fall from the statue hurt. That would be a shame if he got up and walked away.
Maybe fewer video games and a few more trees to climb. ANTIFA is full of substandard young sexually confused pussies. Future Baristas.
I wish he would have made it all the way up.
Really wanted to see him fall off the horse.
It’s impossible to be sure from that video, but to me it looks like he fell with all his weight on his right hip. If we’re lucky, he cracked the head off his femur and broke open the hip socket in his pelvis. That sort of injury takes a loooooong time to recover from and he may not ever regain full mobility/function. I’m a bit ashamed to say it, but I will anyway: YAY!
I agree with you, @Aaron Burr — seeing him fall off the horse would have been even better.
@Alexb — Some might say there’s something wrong with you if you watched it ONLY five times! (-;
What about a new color for whites that back BLM, roughly 45%.
@Extirpates — Yes, that’s a good thought. Here are a few “new color name” candidates:
— Antinfrared
— Ultraviolent
— Verminlian
Shooting him off the horse might be fun.
Bad_Brad: good to see that the person who took the video was so concerned he ran right over to help him.
Andy Ngo cannot be a white nationalist because L’Oréal make up has determined that “whitening” “lightening” and “fair” no longer exist In their skin color spectrum.
I follow him on Twitter so I can accurately see what is happening in Portland and Seattle. I cannot wait to hear his testimony to Congress. A brave brave man.
Leucomelanophile – n. White lover of Black
…thus, leucomelanophilia, leucomelanophilic
Leuco : Gr. λευκο-, combining form of λευκός white
Melano: Gr. µελανο-, combining form of µέλας black
Philia: Gr. ϕίλος loving, dear
Most leucomelanophiles are also leucophobes.
Perfect time for the Chuck Norris sniper gif of teen antifa
Wait… Andy is a honkey?
Bad Brad and getting a hoof to the side of his head on the way down during the fall, leaving a permanent horseshoe imprint across his face to remind him every day what a sorry piece of horse excrement road apple he truly was, along w/his shattered hip socket.
Being a white nationalist is no more a crime than being a queer.
It is certainly no more immoral than being a queer.
Time to stop letting the left define everything.
If they don’t like something about us……FUCK EM.