Some signs of a backlash brewing – IOTW Report

Some signs of a backlash brewing

American Thinker:

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Over and over, I keep hearing from people totally fed up with the riots, anarchy, and selective destruction of history.

Over the last couple of days, I saw a couple of examples of what we will call the mother of all backlashes this November.

In Virginia, we saw a march in support of the police:

17 Comments on Some signs of a backlash brewing

  1. Read this very sad account of how the mob beat up people and the cops would not come.

    They cops will haul you to jail if you go to church one week. Then the cops will let a mob beat the shit out of Christians a couple of weeks later.

    The doj, the fbi, local law enforcement. They are all on the side of the criminals. They are all one by criminal organization. They are on the side of blm. They are on the side of antifa. They are part of the systemic criminality of the left.

    Over and over. The doj and the fbi decline to prosecute their own. The local police decline to protect the innocent from mobs. Then they attempt to hound innocent people into jail. Like, say, Micheal Flynn, for instance.

    Forget law and order. We are so far past that it’s ridiculous. Now it is ‘choose a side’ and prepare yourself. You have no other option, no matter what kind of delusion you harbor of this being a ‘constitutional republic’.

    If you are innocent, the mob will come for you and the cops will hide somewhere. If you pull a gun to defend yourself from a mob, the cops will probably come out of hiding and arrest you for ‘brandishing’.

    This is the new normal.

  2. Well Dave, just got back from L.A. You know, “riot central”.
    It was beautiful. Redondo beach is always beautiful but having half the city indoors made driving around a breeze. Black people and white people went about their daily lives.

    Saw one fat black chick with a BLM face mask at the airport and one bowling pin shaped white guy with the black tshirt BLACK LIVES MATTER emblazoned on it.

    That was it. No angst, no bullhorns. Nothing was on fire.

    Oh yeah…… the only facemasks in LA were worn indoors. No one had them on outdoors.

    Besides having my 10K bus crap out on me halfway across the desert, it was a completely uneventful trip.

    PS, I was wondering where all the homeless people went. Found them in Blythe. No, really. Either LA sent them there or they were having a homeless person convention. Go figure.

  3. War on n-words my ass!

    There is a war on white people, not only in this country, but in other western countries. Don’t believe it? REad this:

    Colleges hounding professors out of the school for doing research the n-words don’t like and then PROMOTING a professor who promotes actual violence against white people.

    If you are too afraid of being called a white nationalist to fight for you life, then the mob is just going to have its way with you.

  4. Nothing says “backlash” like the best Koreans parading in support of Glorious Leader.

    Because when The Party, The One Party, The True Party, The Eternal Party, gives you a choice. Between the choice they offered you yesterday, and the choice they offered you today. People who’s mommies told them how smart they are, know to choose.

  5. @ Anonymous JULY 1, 2020 AT 2:02 AM

    You still don’t get it.

    The establishment Republicans ARE progressives. They are not out and proud progressives like the Democrats, they are closet progressives.

    They only act like they are opposed to the progressive agenda.

  6. 1. The war on whitey continues
    2. There is only one political party and We the People HAVE NOT been invited.
    3. We get the government we tolerate.

  7. Read The Liberty Amendments by Mark Levin. He nailed it in 2014 – term limits. For both Congress and the SCOTUS. No more getting elected to Congress a relative pauper and leaving a multi-millionaire.

    How do we accomplish this is the important question. We’re not hearing too much anymore about an Article V Convention of States but it’s our only hope. We cannot count on the people that are profiting from the system to alter the system to their detriment. Only the people of this nation can do that. Our founders gave us Article V because they saw foresaw times such as these.

    Government “of the people, by the people, for the people” is today, ‘of the people, by the elite, for the elite’. Wishing it will change is not going to bring about change. The ballot box is not going to fix this broken system. We change the system through Article V or we replenish the tree of liberty – if we wish to remain free.

  8. I’m not seeing an significant developing backlash, I’m seeing the gains the Left has made grow solider and less likely to be reversed to any large degree on a daily basis.

  9. Black racist, White Communists, low IQ sheep, Criminals/looters andDemocrats with a seasoning of Republicans (Braun, Romney etc) with the Nazi Media are getting stronger and louder and more demanding every day…Against this Mob is millions of Individuals who do not organize, who just want their personal freedom to work, worship, raise a family enjoy the beauty of life and worship as they please…that is why the storm clouds of the Left are growing un apposed and it is painful and nerve wracking wondering if and when the mass of Individuals strike back..Under Biden, the Left will show, and have , no mercy so beware and act accordingly..

  10. I can only marvel at the character, strength and tireless demeanor of Trump, almost alone holding back the door against mass murderers of country and people…I hope that he can act before the election and recognize that he hourly barraged by legalistic and Socialistic lies about how we must continue to follow the process while the Left riots..

  11. @ Jimmy
    They have just put the city of Toronto and environs under a mandatory mask order.That is well over 6 million sheep.
    A mask that will do sweet fuck all to stop covid particles but may be good for stopping grass dust and allergy pollen if you are cutting the lawn!
    I shit you not.

  12. I hope he’s right. We will need a counter revolution to stop this. By the way, would you all stop using profane words in your comments. I stop reading comments that contain profanities. No class/low IQ.

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