Pope Says He’s ‘Very Saddened’ Over Hagia Sophia – But Why? – IOTW Report

Pope Says He’s ‘Very Saddened’ Over Hagia Sophia – But Why?

PJM: The Pope’s tardy statement, such as it is, manifests a studied ambiguity. What exactly is he saddened about? He doesn’t say. Is he saddened because what was the foremost church in the Christian world for nearly a millennium, and the center of Eastern Christianity, has been made a mosque?

Or is he saddened because this act harms the dialogue that he has so ardently pursued with the Islamic world — even at the price of silence over the Muslim persecution of Christians — and demonstrates that his dialogue partners are not remotely as interested in tolerance, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence as he likes to pretend that they are?

Has Pope Francis made this unclear statement because he doesn’t wish to say anything clearly in support of maintaining Hagia Sophia’s status as a museum, for fear of offending those Muslim dialogue partners?

He has certainly worked hard to avoid offending them, and they have let him know they’re grateful. In September 2017, Pope Francis met in the Vatican with Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, the secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), a group that has been linked to the financing of jihad terror. During the meeting, al-Issa thanked the pope for his “fair positions” on what he called the “false claims that link extremism and violence to Islam.” more

18 Comments on Pope Says He’s ‘Very Saddened’ Over Hagia Sophia – But Why?

  1. just another soy boy

    what ever happened to:
    “onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war”

    these children pretending to be the adults in the room are not stopping the coming war, they are just making it harder for us Christians to win it.

    losing the coming war is not an acceptable option!

    better to die on your feet then live on your knees!

  2. The false pope is an avowed Marxist and Marxists love and support Islam as they strive for the same goal of satanic domination of the earth.

    Muslims despise women and. treat them horribly, they also prefer homosexual pedophilia over normal heterosexual intercourse. They are sick bastards and PDJT is blessing us by removing our military support of this evil religion.

  3. The false pope is an avowed Marxist and Marxists love and support Islam as they strive for the same goal of satanic domination of the earth.

    Muslims despise women and. treat them horribly, they also prefer homosexual pedophilia over normal heterosexual intercourse. They are sick bastards and PDJT is blessing us by removing our military support of this evil religion and the backasswards countries that peddle it.

    Ask any Soldier who served in an Islamic hellhole and they will verify this.

  4. Francis the Talking Ass couldn’t care less about the status of the Hagia Sophia.
    Museum or mosque, it’s just another building to him.

    His PR people thought he had to make SOME kind of statement, so he came up with some muddled bullshit that conveys nothing.

    Francis is a servant of the Dark.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I am not a Catholic, but I am a Christian. What the Muslims did to the Hagia Sophia is an abomination.
    IMO, the Catholic church did themselves a great disservice electing this Pope, though that is their right.
    When Pope John Paul II came to Denver, I was in the crew that helped support the crowds and enjoyed the positive message he gave.
    Pope Francis (hm, getting a flashback to the movie Stripes) has gone beyond to become full woke, which is not a good thing, but guessing the Cardinals thought they had to go that way


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