China Sanctions Cruz, Rubio for Criticism of Human Rights Abuses – IOTW Report

China Sanctions Cruz, Rubio for Criticism of Human Rights Abuses

Bummer. I was going to take my family to Beijing for summer vacation, right after visiting Tehran.

In response to U.S. sanctions on party officials over the country’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims, China unleashed sanctions of its own on Sens. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), as well as Rep. Chris Smith (R., N.J.) and Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback. more

6 Comments on China Sanctions Cruz, Rubio for Criticism of Human Rights Abuses

  1. “Bummer, I was going to take my family to Beijing, right after visiting Tehran”

    Hahaha – in your face CCP. Ridicule is the best weapon.

    Edit: two less people to worry about bringing WuHuFlu back to America.

    F*ck you ChiComs!


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