Biden cites quote made famous by Mao Zedong during fundraiser – IOTW Report

Biden cites quote made famous by Mao Zedong during fundraiser

Wa Examiner: Joe Biden cited a quote made famous by Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong during a digital fundraising speech with former Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. more

17 Comments on Biden cites quote made famous by Mao Zedong during fundraiser

  1. “Women hold up half the sky.” -Mao Zedong

    And well over half the traffic.

    (And all this time I thought it was spelled “Mao Tse-Tung.’ I which people would stop changing the spelling of Chinese names! Peking Duck!)

  2. We need a compilation of all the ways Trumps says “Chy-na.”

    Chi Nah.

    Chin Ah!

    Mao Tse-Tung – Mao Zedong

    Peking – Beijing

    Sum Ting Wong!

    I’m about equally sick of them and BLM/Antifa/Democrats. I’m in a “heads needs blowing off” mood.

  3. Nazis were awful but the commies, who murdered ten times more people than the nazis are fine. Why do people put up with that horseshit.

    I’m an alumni of the University of Texas and the school can now kiss my ass. If they hate white people, then fuck them.

  4. “Women hold up half the sky.”

    ya see, that way when they’re too busy to notice, you can sneak up behind them, sniff their hair & cop a little feel … my corn pops when I do that

  5. What Biden said before they bleeped it: Women Hold up Half Their Dresses.

    To himself he chortled: Hell, that’s enough room for my whole face to get a close-up view.

  6. John Lennon also whispered a similar paraphrase by Mao Zedong at the beginning of the “Woman” soundtrack: “For the other half of the sky …” (I only know this because I bought the album when I was young and stupid and thought John Lennon was cool.)

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