Sometimes, Sushi Comes With Extra Protein – IOTW Report

Sometimes, Sushi Comes With Extra Protein

KFI: If you’re thinking about what to have for lunch, you might want to skip the sushi. A 25-year-old woman in Tokyo who went to the hospital with a sore throat, discovered there was something far creepier than a virus causing the painful irritation. more

31 Comments on Sometimes, Sushi Comes With Extra Protein

  1. Never mind.

    Sessions just got his ass handed to him by tommy tuberville.

    I don’t know shyte about tuberville, but sessions was a Eunuch.

  2. My Petey B wants to know whose unbleached elastic starfish called for extra protein? Oh wait. That was MY unbleached elastic starfish calling for extra protein from my Petey B who sure knows how to deliver the extra protein to my unbleached elastic starfish!

  3. Visited Japan once, and eating sushi was nothing compared to the other stuff they eat over there.

    They would sell baby chicks on the street corner, stores filled with snakes, eels everywhere, and they were not mean’t to be pets, if you get my drift.

    Best Tempura I ever had though.

  4. @MJA knowing what a big fan of sushi you are I bet that really freaked you out! 🙂

    That’s the kind of shit that will work it’s way into your brain!

    We eat a lot of California Roll but I do enjoy a good fresh Tuna!

  5. WOW, what brought that completely uncalled for attack on me? Well maybe not completely uncalled for, but I don’t remember what I did. Let me know Willy, and I’ll either fix it, or I won’t. We just have to see. No matter what, it’s still funny. Like my Golden Retriever used to tell me, “I’d rather be praised than punished, but I’d rather be punished than ignored”. At least that’s what I think he said.

  6. Paralytic shellfish toxin, salmonella, schistosomiasis… and worms with little hooks in their mouths that latch on and don’t let go!

    (Not sure schistosomiasis belongs in there but I like the word.)

  7. Jimmy
    Schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever and bilharzia, is a disease caused by parasitic flatworms called schistosomes. The urinary tract or the intestines may be infected. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, or blood in the urine.

    Sounds great, does it come with a hot girl and a puppy?
    If you don’t get the reference.
    Underwear Goes Inside the Pants

  8. Miss Kitty JULY 14, 2020 AT 11:13 PM
    “Visited Japan once, and eating sushi was nothing compared to the other stuff they eat over there.”

    …you ever seen a Phillipian Balut? It’s where they let a duck embryo grow until it’s just about ready to hatch, then cook it and serve it to you, and you eat it as bar food, beak, feet, and everything.

    Best description of it I’ve ever seen is that it looks like an antiabortion poster by the Duckberg branch of Right-To-Life.


    Sushi. *amateurs*

    …and of course, they claim that it gives a man extra hardons, or something. The ususal Asian justification for eating literally ANYTHING. As though there isn’t ENOUGH reproduction going on in those everons…

    But then there’s also the traditional Cry of the Orient: IS IS DEAD OR IS IT DINNER?

    Mostly, it depends on whether you willingly put it in your mouth or not…

  9. Enjoy your sushi, especially if you’re not troubled by a variety of parasites that are common with raw fish. Liver flukes are the most common and as this woman found out there’s a host of different worms that specialize in different organs, the brain lungs, intestines etc.
    I have a friend that, even after my warnings found out the hard way.
    You may as well lap water out of a filling station toilet for all the difference it’ll make.

  10. Ack, no Sushi is not my thing. lol! Lived in Japan for 5 years and never went near raw fish. In a restaurant, if they bring you fish with the head still on it, guarantee that fucker’s still alive. 🤣

  11. Supernightshade- Right???
    The worst things I’ve seen were from Chinese and Filipino cuisine.
    [And Mexican sell goat skulls in the refrigerated section for some reason. Didn’t ask, don’t want to know.]
    And I’m not saying it to insult- but, in my opinion, it’s gross. sorry. lol.

    I do love me some Lumpia and Pancit though.

    Still not worse than cannibalism.

  12. Not a fan of raw meats, especially of fish, sushi that is. But if this statement were true then I’d be damned for missing out on this and not having some! Sushi comes with extra protein sure, but they also come with a variety of parasites that are common with raw fish. Liver flukes are the most common, there’s a host of different worms that specialize in different organs, the brain lungs, intestines, etc.

  13. SNS
    Yes, they really do eat disgusting food items, they did crazy stuff with quail egg’s and everything still had a face. I’m just not going to eat shrimp with the head still attached.


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