California: Convicted sex offender released and is no longer required to register as one – IOTW Report

California: Convicted sex offender released and is no longer required to register as one

SANTA ANA (CNS) – A convicted sex offender, who has been committed to a state mental health hospital for 20 years, has been released and appears to have made his way back to Orange County today, Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said.

Cary Jay Smith, 59, was released from Coalinga State Hospital on Tuesday, Spitzer said.

“We were told he spent the night somewhere in Los Angeles County,” Spitzer said.

Then Smith got picked up by his siblings and was brought to stay in Orange County, Spitzer said. Smith’s parents, who he previously lived with in Costa Mesa, have died, Spitzer said.

Spitzer’s investigators are attempting to find out why Smith was released and why he no longer is required to register as a sex offender. more

41 Comments on California: Convicted sex offender released and is no longer required to register as one

  1. “Hey, he’s in California with his nutbuddies; screw them all.”

    You goof. What’s to prevent him from moving to your little garden spot? It’s not like he needs to report it.

  2. Not so fast. Maybe hes changed his ways. After all, prisons are filled with innumerable public spirited gentlemen who are more than happy to counsel a child molester on the error of his ways

  3. Black the whites of my eyes!

    Lennie is on to something. If this fellow hasn’t been counseled enough in prison, the fine upstanding citizens of Sanna Anna will be happy to complete his therapy.

  4. Nothing is to prevent him from moving to my garden spot. True. I just don’t think that my neck of the woods has quite the same allure as southern CA. One of the main reasons I chose it.

    The people that live in rural, northern Arkansas like my neighbors, such that they are, as well as our pols(I’ve met the Chief, he stopped by for a friendly howdy but was most definitely checking my shit out) aren’t going to give perverts like this 11 chances.

    If you get my drift.

  5. …speaking as a father, I would be very happy to hear this guy was out somewhere I could find him and NOT under surveillance by authorities, because I could then easily help him stay out of prison PERMANENT like, if you get my drift…

  6. Extirpates
    JULY 16, 2020 AT 5:10 PM
    “Sutgical removal of all sexual accessories would remedy the problem.”

    …except it DOESN’T. They just rape with tools, bottles, brooms, anything phallic they can get a good push with. Rape is about dominance, humiliation, power, NOT sex, sex is just the vehicle, take the penis away and they carry on regardless.

    I spent a decade cleaning up ruined lives. Please believe me when I say only death stops them.

    Because nothing else WILL.

  7. AbigailAdams JULY 16, 2020 AT 5:29 PM
    “Jeeze Louise, Supernightshade! I think everyone here can understand what rapists and child molester do without the graphic language.”

    …Sorry, but that IS the tamped-down version. I don’t sugarcoat this, people need to understand that these fuckers are TRULY irredeemable, TRULY evil, and that they WILL NOT EVER STOP UNTIL SLAIN. If exposing how truly unforgettable, how totally sick, how reprobate these foul wastes of flesh ARE requires that I give an EXTREMELY watered-down version of the shit I’ve seen, so be it. If maybe the NEXT molester isn’t “held for the Police” but instead “dies trying to escape” because someone takes this to heart, then truly I will believe some good came of it…

    …In my younger days I was a creature of duty. I did not kill when the opportunity presented itself. 30 years on, still regret it. Just trying to make folks understand and maybe do what needs done should it come up in THEIR lives, to remove a molester like the cancer it is because there is TRULY no other way…

    …no, not sorry. It’s disgusting, but you can’t discuss evil in non-evil terms, and this is the MOST evil I know. There’s a REASON the Lord said “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” (Mark 9:42), because even THAT is TRULY better than they DESERVE…

  8. OMG. Commiefornia is too close to Nevada to suit me. He could end up here and there isn’t a damn thing we could do about it. Of course with the worthless governor and attorney general we have, they’d probably drive the welcome wagon.

  9. Supernightshade…Then there is the Schizo Paranoid I knew who decided that a five year old boy was out ‘ after him’…He stabbed the child on two occasions, hung him once and when he found out that the child, being light in weight, had lived hunted him into the night. So yes, there is evil in the world past what decent people , rightly, need not imagine.The movie, Night of the Hunter, with Robert Mitchum was a good movie and left room for the dark thoughts..the man, who was committed for eight months was castrated as common in those days and subjected to electro shock therapy which , for some reason made him more paranoid. The castration reduced his libido but did not effect his mental problem and yet he carried a Certificate with him, later on his office wall, that was from The Terrell Texas Institute for the Insane that he would point to when anyone said he was crazy. It announced that he was cured. He would ask if you had such proof. The man was brilliant and rich, but evil and today they would give him medications and run him for Democrat Senator. He broke into a women’s senior facility at age 68 and suffered a stroke and died while trying to strangle a surprised woman who would not dance with him as his boom box blasted out Frank Sinatra.

  10. @ Miss Kitty JULY 16, 2020 AT 4:37 PM

    It is part of the progressive movement’s ultimate desire of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. That is the reason they oppose criminals being sentenced to prison and heinous murderers being given the death penalty.

    It also explains their vehement attacks on orthodox Christianity. People who follow orthodox Christianity have far lower incidence of mental health problems that make people’s lives a living hell.

    Once I figured this out it became evident that it can be applied to every aspect of their agenda. I used to wonder what could possibly motivate a person to…

    Once I accepted it as fact, I very soon after that recognized that it applies universally to the progressive agenda.

  11. Shock Therapy: When it comes to Pedophiles, take a page from DON CHERRY of “Hockey Night in Canada”:
    1. Red is positive
    2. Black is negative
    3. Make sure his nuts are wet
    4. Ride that lightning Baaybee!

  12. Brother Tsunami
    California is OUT of 45 acp and 9mil. Gun sales in California are off the charts. Between AntifaBLM and violent offenders run the streets, there’s bound to be some sporting times coming up.

  13. FTA: He says, `If you don’t cut off my penis and hands I will molest again.’ ”

    You wouldn’t have to ask me twice. Now where did I put my Ginsu knife?

  14. MMinAR,
    13 year-old Jessie Dirkhising was raped, tortured, and murdered in Arkansas.
    There are NO safe spaces.
    Satan has a long reach.

    izlamo delenda est …


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