Rep. Vernon Jones is a Black Democrat who supports Trump and is facing the wrath of his party – IOTW Report

Rep. Vernon Jones is a Black Democrat who supports Trump and is facing the wrath of his party

Just the News-

Georgia Democratic state Rep. Vernon Jones says President Trump is the final “firewall between between the Democratic Party and this country falling into anarchy.”

Jones on The John Solomon Reports podcast this week discussed his specific and sometimes contentious role as an Black Democratic lawmaker with conservative-leaning tendencies, who is opting to support President Trump over Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.

When asked if Democrats have tried to silence him due to his politically heterodox views, Jones said, “They censor me.”

“They don’t have that room in that big tent for African Americans or independent thinkers who have conservative tendencies,” he continued. more

11 Comments on Rep. Vernon Jones is a Black Democrat who supports Trump and is facing the wrath of his party

  1. Warning! Warning! Person of color in danger of leaving Democrat/KKK plantation! Individual characterizes himself as a “free thinker” – which is exactly what we do not want. We will tell you what to think and how to act. Suspect must report immediately to the nearest BLM…uh, protest for mandatory attitude readjustment.

  2. Newsflash: The Democrat Party considers black persons to be their property, to do their bidding for them.

    They are so convinced that any attitude or behavior, no matter how abhorrent shrinks to insignificance so long as their rhetoric is consistent with righteousness and justice that they will never change.

    Yesterday it was the labor of black persons they considered their birth right and today it is the intellectual liberty of black persons they claim providence over.

    The Democrat Party stands for racial attitudes, policies and practices that civilized people the world over recognize as pure unadulterated filth.

  3. Just today I listened to a neighbor who is a reliable Democrat vote complaining about being saddled with unwavering adherence to progressive movement orthodoxy. Their bitch was about the COVID restrictions and although they think the governor is way out of line they dare not say so to any of their friends of like pelican persuasion lest they be defriended and ostracized. Funny thing how they complain to me about it, yet they vote for more of it.

  4. Before the covid, everything was going great.
    After the election everything can go back to great.
    The one single roadblock to returning to great is Joe Biden.
    He has NEVER been a statesman and he never will be.
    He’s Racist, He’s Corrupt, He’s a Fraud and He’s Dumber than a Rock.
    The Democrat party is Hugo Chavez in a Jackass costume.

  5. This man has not seen enough party orientation films which feature Nazi;s marching in Berlin.
    Everyone is the same, same clothing, close haircuts, close shaves, same goosestep. What great DimWits they are. All respond tp orders exactly the same and immediately. The same behavior is required now. No free thinkers allowed. Republicans are pretty much the same way .Good Luck!!!

  6. Mr. Jones knows the Democratic platform is anti-life, yet he still insists on remaining in that sick, twisted party.
    Seems he likes the attention more than doing the right thing. There is no way he can reform a party controled by Marxists. Being a Blue Dog Dem will get him nowhere.


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