Georgia governor sues Atlanta mayor, city council over mask mandate – IOTW Report

Georgia governor sues Atlanta mayor, city council over mask mandate

“This lawsuit is on behalf of the Atlanta business owners and their hardworking employees who are struggling to survive during these difficult times,” Gov. Kemp said in a statement. ARTICLE.

8 Comments on Georgia governor sues Atlanta mayor, city council over mask mandate

  1. Fulton County, of which Atlanta is a parasite, has just announced that all schools will be doing “remote learning”. I guess they have no faith in masks. Screw them all.

  2. From the Mayors mouth “ I and my family are amongst the 106k who have tested positive for COVID-19”. Yet she didn’t die, and probably was never sick. Instead of looking at testing positive with no ill affects she tries to use it as a bludgeon to keep Atlanta under her tyranic thumb.

  3. Sadly, in Colorado, the governor decided that everyone needs to wear a mask if they are in a public space, so the edict came down from on high with no oversight. Not that the state congress would disagree since the libs control those as well 🙁

  4. It occurs to me, that these ongoing demoncrat edicts on mask requirements and inflating covid #s makes china the winner.
    What the hell?
    More importantly, our current and future enemies can see a green light, because we are no longer the steadfast, patriotic nation we were on and after 911….we have become a nation of cowering pussies.

  5. Well… if she tested positive, it proves the Wubonic plague doesn’t feed on brain cells. Bitch needs to ride share with Stacey Adams to the nearest cotton patch. (Intended as an insult.)


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