Florida hospital admits its COVID positivity rate is 10x lower than first reported – IOTW Report

Florida hospital admits its COVID positivity rate is 10x lower than first reported

The news station reported that area hospital Orlando Health “confirmed errors in the report,” with hospital officials stating their their “positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent.”

9 Comments on Florida hospital admits its COVID positivity rate is 10x lower than first reported

  1. New headline for Texas – ordering body bags and refrigerated trucks. When you read the article it is out of an abundance of caution (to scare the hell out of everyone) and to get people to realize how real this is. Meanwhile the truth is the deaths in TX due to covid are a third of the last two influenza seasons and Bexar Cty (San Antonio) had to adjust down 3,000 plus after being caught manipulating data.

  2. Two friends in Texas went in to get tested, filled out the forms and left after an hour without being tested. A week later they received notice they both tested positive!
    I call BULLSHIT on the whole thing and Governor Wheelchair is a liar.

  3. I have a simple rule: Whenever some entity gets caught and admits to corruption the actual amount they admit to is AT THE VERY LEAST 10X higher, or in this case lower.

  4. Shouldn’t there be CHARGES brought, like when a false police report is filed??

    The consequences in this lie, especially now, are of greater impact.

    Makes you want to shoot all the liars, don’t it?


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