Ginsburg announces new cancer treatment – IOTW Report

Ginsburg announces new cancer treatment

SCOTUS: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg announced Friday that she began treatment earlier this year for liver cancer. The 87-year-old justice, who has battled cancer on four previous occasions, indicated that chemotherapy is “yielding positive results,” and she emphasized that she remains “fully able” to do her job.

In a statement released by the Supreme Court’s Public Information Office, Ginsburg revealed that a scan in February, which was followed by a biopsy, had revealed lesions on her liver. Although immunotherapy was not successful, Ginsburg said, she began chemotherapy on May 19. She is “tolerating chemotherapy well” and is “encouraged by the success of” her current treatment; moreover, she added, a scan on July 7 “indicated significant reduction of the liver lesions and no new disease.” She will “continue bi-weekly chemotherapy to keep my cancer at bay,” and is “able to maintain an active daily routine.” “Throughout,” she stressed, she has “kept up with opinion writing and all other court work.”

In what can only be interpreted as a parting shot at conservatives hoping that Ginsburg might step down from the court, giving President Donald Trump the opportunity to name her replacement, Ginsburg reiterated that she had “often said I would remain a member of the Court as long as I can do the job full steam. I remain fully able to do that.” more here

37 Comments on Ginsburg announces new cancer treatment

  1. Just waiting for Darth Vader Ginsburg to say, “You can have my seat when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.”

    She’s actually already said it in less direct terms.

  2. I guess planned murderhood has been able to keep up with its fresh baby parts shipments so she can maintain with her regular weekly sacrifices to her evil gods and still have some left overs to feast upon herself.

    This cunt is as evil as killary, but unlike killary gins-bot effects all of us with her anti-american activism. I hope-n-pray that this droid malfunctions sooner than the last one did.

  3. seriously, does anyone know anyone that has survived 4 separate cancers? … now coming up on relapse of one of them?

    & how nasty does one have to be to continue to bitterly cling (yeah, I went there) to a position of extreme power just to assure the spewing of more evil?
    … euthanasia for thee, but not for me!

    it is obvious that this ‘Captain Pike’ hasn’t the values, soul or wit to be gracious in it’s dotage … yet, it is the ultimate judge in our system … frightening

  4. “..I would remain a member of the Court as long as I can do the job full steam. I remain fully able to do that.”

    No, you’re not. Because you spend most of it either in the hospital or at home and your clerks are doing the work for you. And you’re going to live the time you have left being a jerk instead of spending it with your family.

    She’ll die in her bitter chair surrounded by her bitter things.
    Good luck.

  5. Good Lady Ducayne…

    ‘How old are you, Lady Ducayne?’

    ‘I was born the day Louis XVI was guillotined.’

    ‘Then I think you have had your share of the sunshine and the pleasures of the earth, and that you should spend your few remaining days in repenting your sins and trying to make atonement for the young lives that have been sacrificed to your love of life.’

    M.E. Braddon

  6. @Anonymous – “…Shes beginning to look like Norman Bates’ mother in the basement…”

    Thus giving a new meaning to SCOTUS: Supreme Corpse of the United States

  7. Gemcitabine is used to treat cancers of the pancreas, lung, ovary, and breast. Given that lung cancer was her most recent malignancy it is likely recurrence of her lung cancer.

    “A periodic scan in February followed by a biopsy revealed lesions on my liver,” she said.

    Because they are being purposefully vague about which cancer they are treating I am absolutely certain that it is lung cancer. So what this means is that these lying cock-sucking mother-fuckers have been keeping an 87 y/o withered old cunt with stage 4 lung cancer on the bench getting immunotherapy to keep Trump in check. And now they have switched to chemotherapy. Stage 4 lung cancer is not curable. And the chemo has been causing her “infections.”

    She needs to be forcibly retired now!

    (PS: BFH, I told you so last year!)

  8. Have people already forgotten that we were lied to when we were told that she was having a stent in a bile duct cleaned out?

    For her next medical procedure I wish upon her an 87 year old surgeon who has said that he or she would remain a surgeon as long as they can do the job full steam.

    If she can serve on the highest court in the land with no process in place to remove her short of death, she should have no issues with a surgeon working on her that possesses the same rights as she has.

  9. @Anonymous July 17, 2020 at 10:40 pm

    > these lying cock-sucking mother-fuckers have been keeping an 87 y/o withered old cunt with stage 4 lung cancer on the bench

    And by “they,” you do mean the other right honorable justices? Who all insist that RBG’s learned opinion matters? Just as much as each of theirs? “All are one, one is all!” Right?

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