Terry Crews Responds To Nick Cannon’s Anti-White Comments – IOTW Report

Terry Crews Responds To Nick Cannon’s Anti-White Comments

Political Cowboy: Actor Terry Crews is making waves yet again with his common sense approach to race relations in America, proving that critical thinking, combined with a deep heart of love and compassion is the true path forward.

Crews has become something of a conservative icon lately with how he has handled the madness surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd.

He’s now weighed in on recent comments made by Nick Cannon that were racist to the core. And it’s brilliant. more

9 Comments on Terry Crews Responds To Nick Cannon’s Anti-White Comments

  1. Yeah, an example of black compassion that whites don’t possess is laying all over the streets of Chicago any given evening.

    It’s heartening to see that many can rise above their hatred.

  2. It’s gotten to the point that I can’t watch a golf match without some asshole preaching about blm.
    I’ve fucking had it with those virtue signaling assholes. Fuck blm.

  3. The more I hear from Crews, the more I like him. He has withstood the backlash and pressure put on him. I pray that he continues and that Cowell & Co don’t throw him on the trash heap.

  4. Divide and Conquer
    So we have almost come to the point of:
    Only Black Marxist LGBT? Liberal Lives Matter.

    —- Wake-up America —-
    Being WOKE, silent and not openly challenging this odd anti-social logic is allowing the Socialist-Democrats to establish a Foot hold and gain ground.

  5. The BS runs deep throughout the country. It’s refreshing to read of someone speaking out with commonsense.

    Yesterday I received this bit of — jump on the leftist train claptrap — in an email from Sandi Marra, Pres & CEO of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

    Who in addition to going on about the injustice of privilege, and injustice for George Floyd. Also included Christian Cooper (of Central Park Karen fame, who appears to have caused & invited a lot of his own troubles in that event) along with some other people. Writing :

    “The very nature of a commitment to social justice means there is an acknowledgment that we can not parse out which areas of society are to be just, and which areas get a pass.

    Before the murder of George Floyd and the broad-based embrace of the Black Lives Matter movement, the COVID-19 pandemic had already cleared away much of the fog surrounding justice and equity in our country. And I saw it directly impacting the A.T……

    “The A.T. is not racially or ethnically diverse. It is not accessible to people from low-income communities. It is not always a safe place for women. And, it is not relevant to many people we consider to be part of the next generation. We recognize this must change. We recognize we must orient ourselves and the broader Trail community to justice in its many forms — environmental, social, racial, and economic.””

    She was responding to among other things negative responses to her blog post a month earlier, A commitment to injustice.

    https://appalachiantrail.org/official-blog/shifting-perspectives-realities/ .

    https://appalachiantrail.org/official-blog/a-commitment-to-justice/ .

    The Commonsense Cabinet at the ATC HQ is either already empty or about depleted. It’s go out and cheer for the items on the leftist check list.


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