Scientists Say Cholesterol Drug Could Clear COVID-19 From Lungs in Days – IOTW Report

Scientists Say Cholesterol Drug Could Clear COVID-19 From Lungs in Days

Newsmax: A new study demonstrated how a common, FDA-approved drug could halt lung damage caused by the coronavirus. Researchers at Israel’s Hebrew University of Jerusalem and New York’s Mount Sinai Medical Center said they slashed the severity of COVID-19 by reducing the ability of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, to reproduce in lung tissue.


According to The Jerusalem Post, the scientists said the cholesterol-lowering drug, fenofibrate, also known as Tricor, starved the virus from its fat sources until it almost disappeared within five days. The research was performed in lab studies both in New York and Israel and used different samples of lung tissue. The team hopes to replicate their results in animal studies since the drug has already been proven safe. more

12 Comments on Scientists Say Cholesterol Drug Could Clear COVID-19 From Lungs in Days

  1. It will start curing Covid on November 4th.
    But then, the virus will probably end on November 4th.

    Before then, hopefully Ginsberg and Pelosi will be joining John Lewis and McCain, whereever they are.

  2. I love that sangria wine, drinkin with some good old friends of mine, its organic and it comes from the vine, it’s also legal and it gets you so high..

  3. Too bad we can’t sue the various Major Media outlets for deliberately misinforming us about treatments and effective medications for purely political and/or self serving reasons.

    Like Malpractice or practicing medicine without a license.

    Only GOD knows how many people suffered or died due to the MEDIA and Politicians playing games with this virus. A virus which after 190+ days is just starting to reach the 180 days 2017-2018 FLU season numbers. An that’s using numbers we all know to be inflated by gaming the system for $$$, false reports as to cause of death and tests that produce 25%+ false positives.


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