Texas Governor Now Says “There Is No Shutdown Coming” – IOTW Report

Texas Governor Now Says “There Is No Shutdown Coming”

“But the only way we can avoid a shutdown is if we do get everybody buying into this process of wearing a face mask.”

Buying into ?

Dan Bongino: Amidst a highly publicized spike in reported coronavirus cases in Texas, the state still ranks near the bottom of the pack nationally when it comes to deaths. Per hundred thousand citizens, Texas has 13 deaths. By contrast, the now-lauded New York has 176.  It’s no coincidence that the media suddenly shifted from reporting deaths to reporting cases.

Earlier in the month Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed an order mandating masks in most counties, though many are not enforcing it. Counties with fewer than 20 active cases are exempt from the order, which has allowed 78 to opt-out from it.

Texas has already reimplimented some aspects of their previous lockdown, including the closure of bars, and scaling back capacity at restaurants from 75% to 50% for dine-in services. Outdoor gatherings of 100 were also re-banned (the limit had previously been lifted to 500).

While this requires the obvious disclaimer that every politician and their mother seems to have lied to us at some stage of the pandemic, Abbott claims that no full state lockdown is coming for Texas. more

28 Comments on Texas Governor Now Says “There Is No Shutdown Coming”

  1. Spoken like a hostage. Next, we will have to buy into the f—king sugar water vaccine. Can no one slap down the the mendacious bureaucrats? Not even the Governor? The President? Fauci is a public health menace far worse than the covid.

  2. Another thing that needs to be communicated to the fear-mongers. As Dan says, it is no surprise that they are now announcing the number of new cases and ignoring the number of deaths. Even with the out of control reporting on deaths (any death with a positive test is a COVID death), the numbers are way down.

  3. calling masks his “last best effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.”

    If wearing an N95 equivalent that’s designed for a single use in a contaminated area that doesn’t filter exhaled air, or a surgical mask that’s designed for 20 minutes in a sterile area that doesn’t filter incoming air, or a cloth/paper mask that’s not designed for anything and doesn’t filter anything, is the best effort then you can 110% guarantee the covid-1984 will continue to spread like wildfire. Even if all 3 options are worn “properly” by everybody. Bet the farm on it. In fact, go all out on margin and place the biggest bet of your life.

    The best thing to do is ban mask wearing so people lose their false sense of security. It’ll also have the added benefit of keeping the healthy, uhm, healthy.

    I say this with the assumption that covid-1984 is actually a real thing….

    PCR testing isn’t traditionally used to diagnose a virus, it’s used to multiply (amplify) a KNOWN virus so it can be studied. If you swab anyone (with covid or without covid) and run it thru a 35x to 40x multiplication while looking to diagnose you’re going to end up with mostly all false positives. Take a blank piece of paper and run it thru a copy machine. Now copy that copy. Do it 38 more times. Is the piece of paper just as bright white as the original? Nope, it’s completely black. The copy machine now has covid.

  4. Even though I knew it was BS, I gave Abbott the benefit of the doubt over the first shut down. I thought some lawyer had recommended it so the state wouldn’t be held responsible when some 89 year old in a coma for 3 years died from the Wuhan Flu. This time, I have to wonder what his master’s have on Abbott. Maybe pictures of him with an underage wheelchair.

  5. I constantly have to tell the old people around me. infected is not the same thing as dead. And it’s not just the old people, it’s the people my age, and above, too. Infected does not equal dead.
    Unless you crash on a motorcycle, apparently. Because Corona will cut you off in traffic and shit. ugh.

  6. After seven months of the “pandemic”…

    Snohomish County, Washington, 7/11/2020 Summary:

    Estimate 2020 population: 803,039
    Confirmed cases: 4496
    Deaths from COVID-19: 170
    Current death rate: .000212 (~two tenths of one percent)

    State of Washington, 7/17/2020 Summary:

    Estimate 2020 population: 7,620,560
    Confirmed cases: 46,026
    Deaths from COVID-19: 1,444
    Current death rate: .0001895 (less than two tenths of one percent)

    Do those numbers sound like an epidemic (let alone pandemic) to anyone?

    Are they worthy of destroying Washington State’s economy with shutdowns, stay-at-home orders, closed schools and destroyed businesses?

    Are they severe enough to justify unconstitutional violation of citizen’s rights?

  7. so, the so-called ‘experts’ who told us to lock-down, shutter all non-essential jobs & businesses (as deemed by our Overlord Governors & mayors, depending on which jobs & businesses are feathering their nests) & all prols shall don face diapers, regardless whether they actually have any effect, or not ….

    are now telling us that we have to re-wear the face-diapers, go back to being locked down, no congregations of any kind, especially Church gatherings, protests of the Gov’s office, etc., but pantifa/Bullsh*t Lying Mendacity rallies are ok (you can’t square that illogic)

    unfortunately, we listened to the ‘experts’ instead of treating this like any other viral spread & going w/ the Sweden Model, we went w/ the Chinese Fau Chi Model

    look where we are today … the highest (because you can’t question China’s lies about their #’s) cases & deaths in the world are in the US (I won’t even go into the obvious fudging of the #’s)

    look where Sweden is …. https://fee.org/articles/why-sweden-succeeded-in-flattening-the-curve-and-new-york-failed/

    …. case closed

    how fucking dumb have we become?

  8. I running out of patience and what to comment about the face masks. I’ve said my peace, hell you can’t even watch TV without ads about masks, were all in this together, or it’s the new norm. I say STFU already.

  9. This isn’t the first death in Oklahoma that families have disputed. However, this makes only the third the media has reported on. One was someone who wasn’t even dead, but they recorded her as dead. The other one was an elderly man on hospice who was dying from brain cancer. He was one of the unfortunate ones at the very beginning of supposed Covid deaths in the state and he never had a test, he had a cough, so any symptom was listed as Covid death. I’m sure soon this article will magically disappear like the cancer death article did.

    Even if I didn’t know what I know about PCR, I wouldn’t trust these labs or county health departments. These labs can’t even properly test for strep, I could tell you multiple stories on that. County health departments are the biggest jokes around. The majority of these health officials in counties and cities in our state have no medical degrees of any kind. One example is the Tulsa health official that demanded a mask mandate, has a BA in biology from 1977, Masters in Administration from 1989 and an online PHD in Health Services in 2005. Worse than that the entire health board of 10 only has one member with a medical degree, a D.O. The rest are a woman with a sociology degree, a woman that works for a life insurance company, the rest all are financial advisors.


  10. I go through ‘states’ news’ sites and I happened upon this from St. Lucie County, Florida:

    “The cloth covering may not protect the wearer, but it may protect the wearer from spreading the disease,” Tipton said. “We can’t tell who is infected. We can’t look in a crowd and say, ‘That person should be wearing a mask.’” – County Administrator Howard Tipton.

    He actually said that! And they printed it without questioning that stupidity!

    And keep in mind, FL numbers were falsely high, so high that the hospitals had to jump in and say it was all bullshit. (Just like in Texas).
    But did this article mention that? Nooo…

    Oh and here’s the kicker:

    “The order does not apply to the internal operations of other local governments, the school district, public utility companies, colleges and universities and state and federal agencies located in the county. ”


    I hope every council member, mayor and governor who forces this on their citizens get the shits so bad they can’t leave the house for 2 weeks.
    Oh, and maybe extend that til they flatten the curve. Or maybe, I dunno, 5 months after that…

  11. Uncle Al, I forwarded the numbers to my Army son. Here’s what he said:

    “Yup. Hoax.”


    (I ran the numbers based on official data, knowing even this state has padded them all along. So, they’re trying like crazy to up the death count because they know, in the end, that’s what people will finally focus on. The Chinese/Democrat money must be flowing really hot and heavy…)

  12. Jimmy, I was doing some calculations today in my county and two adjoining counties after I heard one the towns stupid mayors say she wasn’t going to mandate masks yet, but if people didn’t start wearing them voluntarily she would. She went on to make the claim that the report she received showed that only 10% of the citizens were wearing masks and when you removed city government employees and private business employees that number dropped to 1% and that wasn’t acceptable. Then she went on to report about some of the surrounding counties even fewer were wearing masks. (I think they should have to disclose where and how they’re getting these numbers)

    In her county even if you only count actual tests, 4% were positive. If you take positive tests related to population of the county, positive tests are 0.25%. They’ve had exactly one death and it was over 2 months ago. My county actual positive out of those tested 5.7%, out of the population, 0.31%, we’ve had 5 deaths, again all over 2 months ago and at least two of them shouldn’t have been counted to us as neither had even lived in the state in months and one over a year when they died, one was the cancer patient on hospice. The third county, has had no deaths and out of those tested, 1.8% positive, out of the population 0.024%. So it looks like no masks is the answer compared to the counties she praised for a larger percentage wearing masks. Their numbers are way higher than ours.

  13. Who are these thousands of people getting tested? Am I naive for asking this?

    Who actually chooses to go get a medical test if you aren’t sick? I’ve read many people are “positive” yet asymptomatic…so, okay. Then the healthy are getting swabbed just for fun? I have a condition where I have to get labs done every 3-6 months. I avoid hospitals because I see them enough.

    So, did the Democrats pay the BLM rioters too- “if y’all go get tested after you topple a statue there’ll be an extra $250 in your protest check next week. Why get tested? We’ll spin the numbers to hurt Trump! Oh!!!”

    I have many questions.🤔

  14. MJA, the casino mall cops are loving it. They are ON THE JOB with the thermometers and stack of masks which they hand out with tongs. I was stepping in the door and loitering just to draw them over, then stepping out the door when they approached. Sometimes, I would stay and let them tong me a mask, which I would politely refuse, telling them the masks didn’t help block the cigarette smoke. They really hated being polite, I could tell.

  15. Illustr8r, it’s the idiots who follow the leader for the most part. Although some are forced to be tested due to idiots they work with who decide they want an extra 2 week vacation so they go get tested hoping they’ll test positive then if they do the employer forces all employees who worked with them to get tested.

    Something else I recently learned from a family member who was forced to get tested. It took 8 days to get the test results back, they were negative, but they still forced him to be quarantined for another 6 days after the test result because he had been exposed. I would bet his exposure made him a positive case.

  16. The only thing that will get this nation back on track is a massive popular uprising, but I don’t see that happening in a country filled with gutless, servile sheep.

    I have not complied and I will never comply!


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