Terrence K. Williams- ” I STAND WITH GOYA!” – IOTW Report

Terrence K. Williams- ” I STAND WITH GOYA!”

So do a lot of other people. And it’s really annoying the media.

14 Comments on Terrence K. Williams- ” I STAND WITH GOYA!”

  1. My half black half Puerto Rican wife of 20 years has taught me a lot of the great things you can make with their products.

    Cooking has never been as much fun as when you can make the classic “rice-n-beans” combo with just a little bit of meat for under $10 the latino way and the only thing better than the cost is the taste…. so yummy!!!

  2. Yet hypocrite fredo apparently has plenty of time during “wartime” (while NYC is burning) to go on the commie media and trash President Trump and a Latino run company.

  3. This may be a turning point in the actual power of a left boycott. They’re going right after Goya and if their sales remain the same or go up it may well embolden other companies to ignore threats aimed at them by the left/progs. Wouldn’t that be a revolting development for Biden/Soros/Gore and all the rest.

  4. scr_north,
    The Libtard Left tried to pull the same boycott several years ago over ChikFilA being a Christian company vs gay employees. Instead it turned into a buycott, with lines around the building and block in support of CFA.
    And the DildoCrat Libtard Left are trying the same thing over Goya and support for President Trump.
    Then again, no one ever accused the DildoCrat Libtard Left of high intelligence.


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