Subpoenaed Illinois Speaker Michael Madigan Connected to Obama, Bill Ayers and Andrew Weissmann – IOTW Report

Subpoenaed Illinois Speaker Michael Madigan Connected to Obama, Bill Ayers and Andrew Weissmann

Gateway Pundit:

Yesterday, it was reported that Illinois Speaker of the House, Michael Madigan, was subpoenaed by the DOJ.  This subpoena illuminated the connections between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers and even Mueller gang leader Andrew Weissmann.

Michael Madigan, the Democrat Illinois State Speaker, is the longest serving Speaker in the nation.  He runs Chicago and Illinois politics and and has for years.  more here

11 Comments on Subpoenaed Illinois Speaker Michael Madigan Connected to Obama, Bill Ayers and Andrew Weissmann

  1. Weissmann was on CNN last week and was being talked to like he was a paragon of virtue. What a fucking disgusting POS. If anything of consequence happens to him or Madigan, you could knock me over with a feather. They won’t even use Madigan’s name in the GD subpoena.

  2. Has anyone else come to the conclusion that the so-called “Democrat Party” is simply a front for a single purpose organization/network of crooks who look upon the U.S. gov’t — from the feds on down — as a source and means of extracting as much tax money as it possibly can?

  3. I have read that Madigan puts nothing in writing and never ever uses email or text. Unless he was caught saying something on a wire or tapped phone they will be lacking hard evidence. The last best hope is some of the state reps and aldercreatures who did his bidding sing

  4. @WDS — yes, but I’m talking specifically about the Democrat Party, LLC. The others are, for the sake of discussion, penny ante grifters compared to the sum and substance of the organized crime executed by the Democrats. They’ve all the characteristics of the Mafia, from every kind of RICO violation to professional hits on their enemies, internal squealers and high-risk state’s evidence people (thinking Seth Rich and Epstein).

    Frankly, I’m suggesting that the Democrats seek power not because they want the power to govern Joe Blow, but because they want to continue to protect and control their own organization. They are, for all intents and purposes, a Mafia-esque organization, operating in plain view as a political party. It certainly explains a lot of things: why they have no party platform other than to get rid of Trump.

  5. …they even have a national network that would rival anything the Sicilians ever had. And how is it that they each and all have the fealty to their party leadership like a bunch of cheek-kissing mobsters.

    Now I understand why it is that POTUS Trump uses his own Mafia-like language frequently whenever he discusses the Democrats. He knows what they are about.

  6. “Allegations of misconduct in campaign contributions arose during the 2002 campaign. Madigan was accused of using taxpayer dollars for political purposes.[1] His staffers made numerous visits at public expense to contested Illinois House districts in the winter and spring before the November 2000 election.[78] The Republican gubernatorial candidate, Jim Ryan, suggested that Madigan should resign.[1] Lisa Madigan was running for Attorney General that year and called the allegations baseless.[1] Her opponent in the race called on her to pay back taxpayer-paid bonuses her father had paid staffers before they departed to work on his daughter’s campaign.[79] A federal investigation into one of Lisa Madigan’s political endorsements ensued after Madigan allegedly contacted a union boss in Chicago shortly before the union endorsed Madigan’s daughter for the post, but nothing came of it.”

    They’ve known for over 20 years that this maggot is a crook (maybe before that).

    Why aren’t the FBI doing their jobs?

    izlamo delenda est …

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