Close-Up of McEnany’s Notebook Shows How She’s Been Destroying Reporters at Every Press Briefing – IOTW Report

Close-Up of McEnany’s Notebook Shows How She’s Been Destroying Reporters at Every Press Briefing

Western Journal: One piece of the tactics White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany uses to foil establishment media attacks on the Trump administration came to light this week as the media marveled at her level of preparedness for the onslaughts that are hallmarks of White House briefings.

The focus on McEnany’s preparation began Thursday when Reuters photographer Jonathan Ernst took a picture of McEnany’s hand flipping through a tabbed binder during that day’s briefing.

“White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany flips through the topic headings in her binder during the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S. July 16, 2020,” he tweeted.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza found the concept of McEnany being prepared so fascinating that he wrote a piece analyzing each of the binder’s tabs.


17 Comments on Close-Up of McEnany’s Notebook Shows How She’s Been Destroying Reporters at Every Press Briefing

  1. The HORROR. A Press Secretary for President Trump is actually prepared and has the facts at hand? How is the press supposed to trap her? We need a congressional investigation immediately!!!

  2. I’d like to start a go fund me page to “Kick Analysis Chris Cillizza, in the nuts”.
    Maybe a page for each of the lying journalists and MSM anchors.
    What a skewed article. Keep kicking until they learn.

    “There is not now, nor has there ever been, any evidence of any widespread voter fraud in mail-in or absentee balloting.”
    YES, THERE IS! Dead people don’t make it to the polls.

  3. They could not figure this out from the way she flipped pages?

    1) She would start her response BEFORE the page turning which indicates that she already knew the answer but flipped pages just to make sure she hit the most important talking points.

    2) Now they will specifically try to find something that was not “Tabbed” in her booklet to try and trip her up. Good Luck with that!

    3) Next briefing she should walk out without her notes and start to lace up a large pair of construction boots while asking, “Who would like the First ASS KICKING of the morning?”

    This young intelligent professional and Kellyanne are the 2 best Trump staff on TV.

  4. Cilliza:

    …”the President believes Russian interference in the 2016 election designed to help him and hurt Hillary Clinton is a ‘hoax’ — despite the fact that the intelligence community, special counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee have all concluded it was very real.”

    I thought this Mueller business was dead and buried. It did not work as a means of impeaching Trump. I don’t know why Cilliza is digging up an old, dead horse unless he loves the rotten smell.


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