Far Left Groups Now Pressuring Joe Biden To Defund The U.S. Military If Elected – IOTW Report

Far Left Groups Now Pressuring Joe Biden To Defund The U.S. Military If Elected

American Lookout: The far left has gone completely mad.

After spending the last few weeks pushing the idea of defunding or abolishing the police, progressive groups are now pressuring Joe Biden to defund the United States Military if he is elected.

They also want him to end the Space Force.

America’s enemies would just love that.

20 Comments on Far Left Groups Now Pressuring Joe Biden To Defund The U.S. Military If Elected

  1. Is it just me or do these folks seem like they want anyone on the government payroll with a gun disarmed? Yanno’ the ones that might stop them from actually rousting DC and taking over.

    And please don’t tell me about all the patriots that would swing into action to stop this.

  2. Just after Pres. Trump won and before TDS got really crazy I read several articles from different sources that claimed
    (apparantly with good reason as we see now) that the left would lose their minds and swing super-hardleft. They stated when they did so they would so shock the regular
    middle of the road voters that the Dems would not win a
    Presidential election for at least a decade until they swung back toward the middle and stayed there.
    I sure hope they were right.

  3. Aaron Burr JULY 19, 2020 AT 5:17 PM
    “Looking forward to our lawless Mad Max future in which my big V8 rules the wasteland.”

    …we had a guy in a semi get nuts all over the highways around Cincy yesterday. Turns out local SWAT has .50 cal rifles for the occasion. Who knew?


    …seems like there’d be enough Mel’s with old SWAT equipment to end your V8 rule too, just sayin’…


  4. They need the Military small enough for a take over, foreign or private guard. The Dems private guard is the cartel.
    Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal Reemerges

    From Jimmy’s post. How bad would that be.
    China, Iran Close to Signing $400 Billion Trade and Military Pact

    The only reason why the government would want to disarm you after 243 years is because they intend to do something that you would shoot them for.

    106 days

  5. From SNS. ” Turns out local SWAT has .50 cal rifles for the occasion. Who knew?”

    I’ll see your .50 and raise with a manhole cover at 800 fps. Most people are trapped in a lack of imagination. My method for that was incorporated into First Cav training materials for Field Expedient uhhhh, internal material in 1980. The EOD guys took me out and got me drunk on their dime for that one.

  6. SNS, yes, we’re all aware Lord Humongous only needed a .44 to crack the block of Max’s big rig.

    But I saw the end of that movie. The Wasteland only respects horsepower.

  7. The Left hasn’t gone mad. They’re just showing more of their hand… and if anybody seriously thinks Biden is capable of making decisions they had better wise up and realize that this stooge is barely in control of his bowels… if that! Jackass Joe is simply the face of the radical, terrorist Left hiding behind the shell of an old worn out career politician. They ARE the enemy!

  8. And in order to assist in their demand to defund the military, police, and anyone else that gets in their way, the left have started a new website, called “Go Defund Me”.

  9. I can just envision a squadron of social workers on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. They wouldn’t have a clue and would be totally worthless and be a safety hazard to themselves and everyone else on board the ship. The left is composed of a whole bunch of dumbasses who don’t have a clue about how the real world works. Without a military we all might as well line up for the reeducation camps and the Gulags because that would be our fate. Appeasement and disarming never works ever in the real world.

  10. I’d recommend not even whispering the name “Joe Biden” and the term “President” in the same breath.

    The Left wants you to be politically distracted by him. Pay attention to the evil shenanigans going on behind the curtain, so you’re not caught with your thumbs up your arses.

    The American landscape in the next ten weeks won’t be recognizable thanks to COVID-19, the coming COVID-20, and the anarchy weakening the resolve of the people.

    Hey, when do those ‘Back-to-School’ sales start at Target and CVS?


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