Cruz, Crenshaw and Other Conservatives Rip Pelosi for Spreading Hoax Against Fed Officers, Defending Antifa – IOTW Report

Cruz, Crenshaw and Other Conservatives Rip Pelosi for Spreading Hoax Against Fed Officers, Defending Antifa

RedState: As we reported earlier, on Friday night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) posted this attack on President Donald Trump and implicit defense of the Antifa violence now going on in Portland.

She regards federal officers who are protecting federal property as “stormtroopers” and says they’re just responding to “First Amendment speech” and “graffiti,” completely covering up the violence Antifa terrorists are committing, even calling them “protesters.”

There was so much violence Portland Police even put out a video about the first 40 days about ten days ago.

Nowhere do you see the slightest concern from Pelosi for the people and officers who have been attacked and harmed by the Antifa violence. It’s all about how she can use the federal response to try to attack the president. more here

26 Comments on Cruz, Crenshaw and Other Conservatives Rip Pelosi for Spreading Hoax Against Fed Officers, Defending Antifa

  1. Pelosi and the Left were always enemies of the State.
    It just took someone like President Trump to draw it out of them!
    Thank you Sir!
    Now let’s get on to Making America Great Again!

  2. This filth would not tolerate this going on in their own neighborhood for one second. I say it is high time that any and all publicly funded security they enjoy be curtailed until all of this nonsense is ended. Let’s see just how Goddamned mostly peaceful they describe the subhuman pieces of shit as when it is their ox that is being gored.

    And make absolutely nothing mistakes about it that terminology came down to the media from the highest levels of the Democrat Party.

  3. Pelosi should have arrested for the “immaculate impeachment” along with a lot of others.
    She must have a supply of get out of jail free cards. The AG is an overpaid paper weight.

  4. I am sorry Nancy. When you hurl phrases like “stormtrooper” around while you represent America’s National Socialist Party, a descendant of Germany’s National Socialist Party, aka NAZIs, you aren’t fooling me.

    A better solution to Germany’s precipitous decline and suffering would have been to assassinate its Socialist leadership, wouldn’t you say?

    You’re too stupid to understand the question.

    Not a threat. Just a question.

  5. Looks like the streets of Seattle is no place to be today. Busting into Amazon Go now. Jeff Bezos is hollering, “but I’m on your side!”. Just kidding about Bezos, but they are busting into his store.

  6. Portlant –> Seattle

    Seattle –> Portland

    It’s like the tides. And it’s been going on since Bill Clinton was elected in’92.

    Washington and Oregon: two peas in a Communist pod.

  7. Joe6pak, they make “banker’s hours’ look like torture! Heh.

    That city is SO dysfunctional. I violated my boycott last week to dine with a retired professor. As enjoyable as that was, I’m still feeling creeped-out by going there.

  8. Liberals are hell-bent on using their tactics and hate to project against US as though WE are the aggressors.

    It’s all an extenuation of their endless lies.

    It’s actually amazing how many stupid fucks believe their crap.

  9. I saw some video from today’s mostly peaceful riot in Seattle and from what I saw the mostly peaceful rioters were north of 90% white Marxists in their 20s to mid 30s.

  10. Pelosi changed when she stopped being at odds with the goon squad. That was a year ago. Since then she’s just as reckless as them, and for that matter so is Biden. The Goon Squad quietly took over when no one was looking.

  11. Jefferson Davis Pelosi along with the mayor is supporting trained, clandestine, non-uniformed and therefore illegal combatants under Communist control attacking a Federal building. Be a doll and tell us the date of your secession, bitch.

  12. I read the headline and had an instant reaction – Cruz is a conservative? Yes, he has shown he does support come conservative causes, but then he fights against a President who has actually implemented conservative policies.

  13. This useless excuse of skin, called the men that are defending the cities in places like Portlandia, against the cancer of the country, the Marxists called Antifa and BLM? What did she call them?

    This…this…this…I know I’m stuttering at this point, this, POS piece of GARBAGE, there I got it out, actually said that the DHS force (the feds) in Portland are…get this…STORMTROOPERS.

    Got that? She twatted that out!


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