Shouldn’t they be whipping them 6 feet apart? – IOTW Report

Shouldn’t they be whipping them 6 feet apart?

Indian Police beat people who broke lockdown

h/t PHenry.

5 Comments on Shouldn’t they be whipping them 6 feet apart?

  1. Peter Hitchens- the dailymail:

    “On July 12, Deborah Cohen, the medical correspondent of BBC2’s Newsnight, revealed an astonishing thing. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had reversed its advice on face masks, from ‘don’t wear them’ to ‘do wear them’.
    But the key fact was that it had not done so because of scientific information – the evidence had not backed the wearing of face coverings – but because of political lobbying.
    She revealed on Twitter that: ‘We had been told by various sources [that the] WHO committee reviewing the evidence had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying.’ She said the BBC had then put this to the WHO, which did not deny it.
    In March, the WHO had said: ‘There is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can protect them from infection with respiratory viruses, including Covid-19.’
    The American TV news channel CNN reported on March 31 that Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies programme, had said at a briefing in Geneva: ‘There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit.”

  2. I lived 4 years in India recently
    There are several modern cities, hotels & international businesses there.
    Once you step outside of these islands it is pretty much the same, an open faced toilet where 1/2 the folks are cheats, thieves and liars


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