Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War – IOTW Report

Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War

American Thinker:

[..] If only 10% of those guns are brought to bear, it would mean a minimum of 30 million weapons deployed against Antifa and BLM.  No one wants to see bloodshed, especially gun-owners, who for the most part want to be left alone to protect their families, homes, places of worship, and places of employment.

Yet people are not going to stand by and watch America become another “socialist paradise.”  Americans are going to fight back — this should worry the left, as every hunter is something of a sniper. more here

h/t PHenry.

25 Comments on Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War

  1. As long as this fight stays in the cities our side will not make much noise.Once the little commies come to rural America then we will truly know what our side will do.

  2. Problems…Democrat voters worry me more than any other group because they are the enablers, they place the corrupt into power, back them when they are caught doing something evil and do not care about anything but the power they give to politicians who redistribute money etc…so, a Large Civil War because the Democrat voter is a Sociopath or perhaps merely lazy and ignorant and a follower. Then their tools which include the Communists, BLM and Antifa to name a few…the Militant wing or militia of the Democrat voter / Politician. Lastly, of the big groups that if not vanquished will keep the snake of Tyranny alive is the Media. The Propaganda arm of the Left is vile, vicious, never ceasing and it sets the stage for perception, thought or blind obedience…the first action in a Civil War is to destroy the Leftist Media because it , if not removed, will rally evil until it wins..

  3. The majority of the funds that fuel these punks is provided by George Soros and lately a squirming wet pants’ed gaggle of CEO’s.

    The monster instigator Soros is counting on his wealth to stir the anarchy while sitting high above and untouchable.
    He can’t buy a hole far enough away to crawl into to be safe after this thing goes hot. He’s be dealt with no matter what it takes.

  4. We came, when addressed, with open arms with some restrictions. Namely, do not even try to destroy our Country.

    You have dishonored our Country and culture during the perfect storm of the COVID-19 by acting like the victors in destroying our statues.


    We are going to kill you.

    If you don’t like this Country…LEAVE!

    While you still have a chance.

  5. I will admit that you haven’t seen me at these “peaceful protests” because they have, so far, been distant from me. I know that sounds hypocritical, and I accept that criticism. However, I do have a job, and I am more willing to spend time educating the utes of America than I am to travel to those other sites. Am I one of the problems? Maybe, but I think I owe those that pay me and depend on me educating them.

    I am one of those evil college professors, and that is another strike against me. Fortunately, the institution that I work at does allow me to express my opinion (so far) as long as I do not get abusive.

  6. Been sayin this for awhile now, the little red diaper dopers were never gonna accept a second term of Trumpus Maximus, now they are actually trying to pre-empt the elections themselves. When that fails they are gonna cheat like you have never seen, and when that fails it will be civil war.

    Gonna be riots nationwide when the law gets close to the Magic Half Negro’s beloved queer ass., and riots nationwide when PDJT. beats Hillary again. Either way keep your powder dry.

    So far the soy boys are to scared to do anything but crap in their own putrid nests of Marxist hate, the real action will be when it comes to our doors.

    I’m actually kinda looking forward to the Vets vs the cabal. We are the ones who know how to win wars, they only know how to start them.

  7. Leftists are complete and total shit for brains. I have sat and listened to the dumbass pieces of shit talk amongst themselves how that if the economy collapsed they will live off the land. “Hunter/Gatherers if you will.

    In the first place, best estimate of the total number of deer in the United States is something like 35 Million. That means that in order to get one single deer for your sustenance they are going to have to beat ten other hunter/gatherers to it. And it will last them less than a month… if they are lucky. And as far as gathering anything except fleas and lice… give me a break.

  8. ^^^^^^^^^^
    I spoke with a good conservative today about the Michelle Maklin debacle. I mentioned, I don’t get it. Why doesn’t our side fight back. His response was, “Because we’re not animals. We will settle this at the polls.” I don’t think so. If Trump does get re elected the left will riot like you won’t believe. Then what. I guess I might be an animal too.

  9. One improvement is that the Left is pushing harder to get their way and transform America into a place where you can hope to become a trillionaire without producing anything…prior to this, Cass Sunstein explained the way to proceed. He wrote NUDGE, a book read by almost every Leftist in the mold of Alinsky etc…while we were working. Nudge is a boil the frog, you and I, how to…Government can make small but constant changes, always Socialist, adding, compromising etc to each new Bill so that the cumulative results over 50 years is to achieve the goal of Power and control.It is a frightening book and has been working its evil generally un noticed…but now instead of Nudge, we get Demand. By the way, Sunstein is married to Samantha Powers, UN Ambassador under Obama who played a major part in the Russian Hoax and unmasked the most people in this effort. Democrats are not like you and me, their work is not productive, but Nihilistic and Power seeking…Aliens to the concept of Civilization.

  10. I think one reason we have not fought back yet is the fear of igniting anti 2nd Amendment retaliation. A legitimate fear I think. I expect blm/antifa will riot after the election no matter what. Then there is no telling what the good guys will do, I’m not a fan of mayhem and mass casualties (well, maybe some) but that wouldn’t surprise me.

  11. “Settle at the polls…” is the largest crock of sh!t going around today.

    Fair elections in America are already history. After November’s Fraud, there’s a good chance the left will cancel future elections.

    I’d not be surprised if the “virus” postpones this November Fraud. Oh wait, there’s the US Mail and Internet voting. And if Amazon buys the bankrupt USPS, all will be right with the world.

    Sleep well.

  12. Whatever happens on Nov. 3rd, I think there will be riots that night and many nights after…more-or-less a continuation of what we have now, but with firearms. A Trump victory will drive the left insane and into the streets demanding blood.

    If Biden “wins”, I think Trump will demand fair recounts. I believe he will not give up the Presidency unless a fair count can be established. In that eventuality, if Trump doesn’t give it up on Nov 3rd or 4th, that’s when the real battle for America will start.

    The dumpocraps likely have a lot of plans in place to steal the election if they can’t win it fairly. And, if Hellary succeeds to the Presidency or VP, she will toss Trump in prison and/or have him silenced.

  13. @Cisco’Kid July 20, 2020 at 4:43 pm

    > I’m actually kinda looking forward to the Vets vs the cabal. We are the ones who know how to win wars, they only know how to start them.

    Show us the last one you won.

    Now show us the last one you won, that you’re proud of winning.

  14. Don’t be distracted by the open provocation on the streets right now. This is just the power brokers employing their “useful idiots” as cannon fodder to poke and prod at the American System looking for weak spots and hoping for the “proper” reaction to their efforts. The “proper” reaction will, of course, be either military “suppression” by the feds or citizen militias finally deciding they’ve had enough. Either way they get what they want if we’re not careful.

  15. I have three Rifles hat I can shoot as small a group as a sniper can. Not to mention other types of devilment I can think up. So have fun chatting up a Civil war.

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