So Much Prog Fakery – IOTW Report

So Much Prog Fakery


We live in a time of The Great Falsehood, the Edification of the Fake. Everywhere one turns in America and throughout the West, one gets assailed by Fakery.

I “proudly” report that the USA has become the world’s greatest manufacturer, consumer, AND exporter of genuine Fakery. A notable achievement. We have set the standard of Fakery for the rest of the world! While much of our Fakery appears meant solely or largely for domestic consumption, such global demand exists for high-quality Fakery that our product heads abroad where it is not only consumed but influences the development of the Fakery produced in foreign lands. Without doubt non-American readers must take a knee in awe to our ability to produce Fakery. We’re number one! Bastille Day Fakery be damned!

Almost six years ago, I wrote about living awash in a sea of progressive lies (here). Since then, that sea has continued to rise. For those of us with at least moderate mental abilities, we now do not, despite what the great George Orwell said, have to “struggle to see what’s in front of one’s nose.” The problem today proves much worse: in our “cancel culture,” one must struggle to state what one sees in front of one’s nose. Accuracy and truth have become the enemies of the “progressive” system. That prog system’s array of well-financed supporters do not want islands of truth to emerge from their sea of lies. Speak up about what’s in front of your nose, and the woke “cancelers” will cut off your nose; they will get you fired, defamed, bullied, ridiculed, your property trashed, even have you and your family assaulted by a mob of cowards.

Every day we seem to find that today’s Fakery makes yesterday’s look minuscule and weak . . . well, that is, with one huge exception: Global warming, cooling, climate change disruption, whatever. That piece of Fakery, launched decades ago, remains a classic of Fakery, and stands on a podium of its own. The facts, the real science, do not support it, none of its dire predictions comes true, but yet, but yet, there it sits at the center of governmental and international organizations’ policies and expenditures, mass movements, and hysterical outbursts throughout the world: the most holy of Fakes. Try, for example, being a university professor who offers research showing that global whatever is Fake . . . . see what happens to your research money, your job, your reputation. The science is settled! Only one opinion allowed! Global whatever remains the Gold Standard of Fakery.

h/t Systematically Confused.

9 Comments on So Much Prog Fakery

  1. Climate Change – Definitely the biggest piece of fakery in all time. It is just the elephant’s nose to get into the tent to let all of the smaller farces destroy our world. If we do not survive, we will see the Green New Deal (yeah, it is such a deal that they have to hide the facts), socialism (AOC and the success of Bowman vs Engel in NY), etc.

    Still waiting for Biden to pick the latest communist as his running mate who will take over when he gets booted through the 25th amendment, provided he can actually win / steal the election.

  2. Sometimes you have to fight fake with fake. That’s why I’m debuting my new window screen mask tomorrow. I’ll let y’all know how it is received in Publix and Costco tomorrow.

    And RogerF, have you seen Kamala’s new joker-face? Biden must have told her to get herself dolled-up already.

  3. I will send BFH a photo later of my “screen-door-door-on-a-subversive”. I have to shave first. The whiskers poke through the holes. But I must say, I like the comfort and breathability.

    Tomorrow is the stress test. Bring it, Karens

  4. A man’s spirit is humiliated when he goes along with what he knows is a lie. Even as a child, when coerced to go along with a lie, the boy’s spirit is humiliated. If this is kept up, the man’s spirit will either die or rebel.

    Criminals spirits have been humiliated until they will do whatever the flesh wants, both through parental evil, schooling evil and social evil. Most of us have been humiliated to some degree parents schooling and media as well as politically correct culture. We may not be criminals but we feel the same sense of personal shame at our lack of resistance to what we KNOW IS A LIE. Our personal sense of degradation is intense and we, like the criminal wish strongly to cover it up.

    All virtue signaling is the result of a humiliated spirit. From the speech, the signs in the yard, to the burning buildings and statues dragged down, all are the acts of humiliated spirits.

    Stand against this! Even as a broken down spirit you can do so to the best of your ability, speak and hear truth and call out the lies you hear. Now and forever refuse to accept the FAKERY they foist upon YOU.

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