These Are the Prominent CEOs Advocating for a Nationwide Mask Mandate – IOTW Report

These Are the Prominent CEOs Advocating for a Nationwide Mask Mandate

Businesses that require customers to wear masks include and when the requirement starts:

  • Costco (which began in May)
  • Apple (began in May)
  • Starbucks (began July 15)
  • CVS – July 20
  • Kohls – July 20
  • Sam’s Club – July 20 
  • Walmart – July 20
  • Lowe’s – July 20
  • Whole Foods – July 20
  • Publix – July 21
  • Kroger – July 22
  • Home Depot – July 22
  • Bed Bath and Beyond – July 24
  • Aldi – July 27
  • Target – August 1


22 Comments on These Are the Prominent CEOs Advocating for a Nationwide Mask Mandate

  1. I’ e been saving a lot of money by not shopping.

    I am going to contact Costco and ask them for money back from my membership based on the months I won’t shop their because of their mask edict.

  2. Well, Publix has really pissed me off. I will stop by my favorite store and ask about medical exemptions. Unless they back down I’ll be doing my shopping at Winn-Dixie.

    Winn-Dixie, by the way, has announced that they will NOT be requiring masks. Their reasoning is interesting. They don’t want to

    cause undue friction between our customers and associates by regulating mask mandates.

    I prefer Publix over W-D, but not if Publix won’t let me in without joining the herd of sheep.

  3. Had to hit a Home Depot last week and was amused by an UberKaren whining about somebody not being 6 feet away even though they both had masks on and she was facing the guy’s back while in line.

  4. Fuck Walmart
    Fuck Costco
    Fuck any business that forces discrimination against and upon people with common sense.

    Remember, it’s “just a mask”……just like it was “just a gold star of David” pinned on the lapels of the Jews by the Nazi’s right before the FREE train and oven rides.

    You wear a mask, you should be ashamed of yourself.


  5. Whew. I’m still pissed off at Publix but a bit less so after reading this part of their mask mandate announcement:

    Signs announcing the new [mask] requirement will be posted at store entrances, and in-store announcements will be made. This requirement will not apply to young children and those with medical conditions who are not able to wear face coverings.

  6. Add Trader Joe’s to your list. They limit the number of shoppers in the store at one time. So as you wait in line outside (6 feet apart), a goofball in the regulation Hawaiian shirt inspects for masks. If you don’t have one, they’ll give you one when it’s your turn to go inside.

    Just be sure there’s no lipstick on the inside of the mask, like the one they handed me. Hell, it wasn’t even my shade.

  7. Me: Thank you for your concern and offer of a mask, but I cannot wear face coverings.

    Greeter: Oh, OK have a nice day.

    Never had a problem.

    FWIW, most of the stores I have been in in Washington since getting home from Montana half of the customers are not wearing them.

  8. Someone check my math. The goofs admit a mask doesn’t work effectively, especially when wearing cloth even though they pass the requirements of “face covering.” The next question you ask is, “Why wear one then?” and the answer is always a resounding, “Because when you sneeze, instead of leaving a giant plume in the air a good majority is caught by the covering.”

    Nevermind the fact that such a sneeze which creates a “giant plume” such as sneezing like a neanderthal chinaman results in large droplets that fall to the ground immediately in the first place and nevermind the fact 99% of normal people cover their mouth anyways.

    The question I have is how often is the average person sneezing? Personally, I let out 3 sneezes back-to-back-to-back on average roughly once every 2 to 3 weeks. The chances of it occurring in any store is extremely small considering I spend most of my life outside of stores.

    I have to wear a pointless cloth to catch part of a sneeze, that would have been caught just as well by my arm, that happens roughly 0.001% of the time in such a circumstance in the first place. In other words I *might* sneeze once in a store about once per every other year. THEN I still need to be surrounded by people during the event to transmit any of my germs, lowering the odds even more.

    Wow, real effective solution. Dumb asses.

    Does this shit add up?

  9. FWIW, your blood pressure goes up if the CO2 level in your blood goes up or O2 goes down. Any kind of filter mask makes your CO2 rise and O2 fall. Only if you have hypotension (low blood pressure) is wearing a mask not bad for you.

  10. Uncle Al, My nearby Publix has had a “Masks on please” sign on the doors for over a week now. Probably due to the local council mandating it. No Winn-Dixie in SC anymore but my Food Lion has not submitted to the BS yet nor has the IGA. Wonder if these stores will offset their losses come tax time and try and blame it on the ‘Rona to recoup.

  11. Fuckem – most places over $50.00 gets you free delivery, I can virtual shop from anywhere, don’t have to be exposed to the Karen’s, and all I have to do is collect it from my porch.
    It’s called ‘effective use of condiments’, in the hopes that this shit sandwich isn’t too…shitty.

  12. Does anyone shop at Bed Bath & beyond anyway?

    Fuckem – most places over $50.00 gets you free delivery, I can virtual shop any store from anywhere, don’t have to be exposed to the Karen’s, and all I have to do is collect it from my porch.
    It’s called ‘effective use of condiments’, in the hopes that this shit sandwich isn’t too…shitty.

  13. Here’s my theory.

    Granted, a lot of CEO’s are crony capitalists with political hands in their pockets- But, I think they’re pushing the mask shit because they are afraid the pols will shut down the stores because THE VIRUS IS RAGING1!!11
    So they just push the masks onto the rest of us pretending old tshirts and cheap nylon stops every disease known.

    Costco is owned by the Chinese, no? They have some nerve. lol.

    If the CEO’s were smart (yeah, even the dem ones) they would withhold campaign contributions to the always candidates until they quick fucking around with all businesses. But they’re dumb. Most of the CEOs are just for decor, anyway. They didn’t build up the company and they don’t really care. They’re just for looking pretty.

    Also, did you notice the counties which have mask mandates have an awful lot of exempted people? Not YOU, of course, but the colleges, state governments, local governments…

  14. If big box stores want to speed up their own demise by pissing customers off, it’s no sweat off my testicular fortitude. Everything can be bought online and delivered right to your door, even motor vehicles including license plates and driver’s licenses. And often cheaper. Only unforeseen needs can’t be handled online quickly enough, but Amazon’s drone delivery or something similar may eventually be the answer to that.

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