Michelle Malkin Roughed Up by Antifa and Black Lives Matter Thugs at Denver Back the Blue Rally – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin Roughed Up by Antifa and Black Lives Matter Thugs at Denver Back the Blue Rally

GWP: Leading conservative activist and entrepreneur Michelle Malkin was attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs Sunday at a “Back the Blue” rally in support of police at the Civic Center amphitheater in Denver. Ironically, the Denver police on the scene did not intervene at first, apparently under orders by police Chief Paul Pazen who marched with BLM protesters last month. more

h/t Jimmy.

13 Comments on Michelle Malkin Roughed Up by Antifa and Black Lives Matter Thugs at Denver Back the Blue Rally

  1. Paul Pazen should have protected her.

    His people would have but he intervened against his rank & file.

    That is the most demoralizing message to send to your people & the public.

  2. There are many things to be seen here.
    The most obvious is elected officials have joined the criminals and spat on their oaths to the Constitution.
    Take that wherever you figure it leads.

  3. What!?! The police, whom Malkin was there to support, didn’t jump right in to defend her? I don’t care that they were “under orders” – every cop who held back is an unmitigated disgrace.

  4. How about a federal indictment against the mayor for civil rights violations?

    Trump could not have come up with a better re-election strategy if he tried.

  5. Why has this police chief not been fired for incompetence?

    Why is he still receiving a paycheck?

    Why have his officers tolerated this disrespect from their own chief and not thrown him out of his position??

  6. If antifa is a terrorist group why isn’t soros wanted by the feds. Please put a 25 cent bounty on the head of soros to be brought in dead or alive or dead

  7. No one had stun guns or guns?
    A cattle prod would have been nice.
    All those thugs bought and paid for by Soros. I am not counting on the Denver Police to even look seriously at Malkin’s video or anyone else’s.


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