Enough. – IOTW Report


23 Comments on Enough.

  1. Seems to me, the best way to clear a rioting crowd causing bodily harm, fires and/or death, and if it has not responded to any other crowd control methods, is to issue a “Shoot to Kill” order if the crowd does not disperse by a predetermined date and/or time.

    The law enforcement/National Guard/military, etc. should arrive fully equipped and display an overpowering force, ready to engage at any moment.

    But, that’s just one man’s opinion.

  2. Frank Rizzo said if you loot, we shoot to kill. Guess how much looting happened?

    The “leaders” of these cities, the scumbag mayors of Portland, NYC, Chicago, Seattle…that have allowed 1,000s of businesses to be burned and looted and have allowed 100s of millions of dollars of destruction to their cities for one reason and one reason only, Orange Man Bad, are a GD disgrace.

    The level of stupid by the voters in these cities is unimaginable. REgressives are scum, how much longer we’ll share the same space is a question I hope I see answered before I mosey off to the next plain.

  3. Today local talk show host Todd Herman spoke with the deputy director of POTUS Trump’s federal inter-agency law enforcement group (can’t remember the name of it). He spoke about a press conference given by the Chicago police department this past week about how terrorists go about infiltrating protests. Chicago LEO put together quite a briefing, including video footage which shows “peaceful protestors” exiting the march, donning anti-fa clothing and reentering the protest (all under the cover of umbrellas (in order to hide from overhead cameras). The videos clearly show how banner supports were constructed with PVC pipe that had been cut to make spears and were used against the police protecting a statue, how other “peaceful protesters” provided frozen water bottles, cans, and other projectiles that the crowd of “peaceful protesters” hurled at police, injuring several. It was an orchestrated ambush.

    Here’s the press briefing and video:

    This is what the feds are most interested in — rounding up these guys. You’ll see that the so-called peaceful protesters are close allies of the terrorist thugs.

  4. …The fellow interviewed by Todd Herman said that governors and mayors who try to take legal action against POTUS Trump and federal law enforcement are doing so strictly to score political points for the Democrat party and are violating their own state constitutions and oath of office. They have no legal standing under statute. These are what amounts to nuisance lawsuits. Therefore, the obvious and unasked question is why aren’t these state and government officials being investigated and indicted for failing to protect the citizens of their states/cities? Shouldn’t they be considered accessories (allies) of these violent mobsters? There’s a lot of aiding and abetting going on across the country by those in the Democrat party.

  5. AA, they’re not being “being investigated and indicted” because the DAs and state AGs are dems too. It’s insidious. Well you ask, why aren’t the feds on it. Like the FBI that IMMEDIATELY sent 14 agents to Tallagega to look into a garage door pull?? Those guys? Say no more than Chris Wray. Same crap.

    Our bedrock institutions are infested with people that our education system has failed is the reason why this bullshit is happening. Churning out millions of young adults with not just no awareness of our traditions and history but with a jaundiced perception of America leads to “leaders” siding with violent terrorists.

  6. New Orleans used to have horse-mounted Police armed with (what looked like) croquet mallets. They’d line up across an intersection and clear out one street at a time – clubbing the shit out of anyone who withstood them – and the unconscious were carried to jail until they paid their fines.

    Few can face a cavalry charge – at least unarmed.

    The looters and rioters are fundamentally cowards (they hide their faces and misbehave in the dark), and will run off at the slightest show of force. The problem is political, not physical. Our cities (cesspools at the best of times) have allowed a bunch of malicious retards to rule the streets – which is exactly what the mayors and governors want – their personal “Freikorps” in training.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Force these politicians to publicly defend their actions: allowing “peaceful protestors” to destroy public and private property of others.
    Especially if the “protestors” are not locals, how can they NOT be deemed mercenary terrorists?
    If I were there, and very intentionally I do not live in a liberal-run city (AKA a Shithole), and they destroyed my business, I’d be gunning for the mayor- an eye for an eye.

  8. Pray for our police officers who serve this great country.

    Pray for their families, who often wonder when the officer’s leave their homes, will we ever see you again.

    Thoughts and prayers to all who serve, in giving law and order back to the streets. 🕊️❤️🙏

  9. OK. The last sound bite was from the previous police chief of Milwaukee who is a soft on crime liberal. He was out of office sometime ago. His comment on “too many firearms” proves his fake outrage.

  10. And… where are the establishment Republicans? You have the Democrats who are out of the closet progressives and as such their motivation is increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. But where are the establishment Republicans? I’ll tell you where they are: Hiding in the closet. Hiding their progressivism in the closet, they are also progressives too, and as such have no sympathy for innocent human suffering, misery and death. In fact they have no compunction allowing it to continue because they think they cam make political hay from the suffering, misery and death of innocent people.

    We have the Trump Administration alone that is attempting to protect innocent people from these subhuman predators.

    And thems the facts Jack.

  11. ‘Broken’ Seattle police officer shares heartbreaking letter

    Rantz: ‘Broken’ Seattle police officer shares heartbreaking letter

    FYI, I rarely visit MyNorthwest.com any longer. They are one of the regional news sources who shut down reader comments at the beginning of mostly peaceful riot season. It is obvious to me that they did this to protect the guilty from having the record corrected to reflect the facts and to prevent the public from having available “the rest of the story” to consider.

    That being said, this particular piece needed to be shared.

  12. …and yet these same police contiune to follow corrupt Democrats who want them dead, protect rioters from righteous retaliation, arrest the law-abiding who dare defend themselves while they stand down, and will take the guns from the law-abiding on demand from those very same Democrats…

  13. …it’s as Bad_Brad and others have stated before, when the REAL Civil War starts, the most puzzling, unfathomable, infuriating thing is that those sworn to uphold the Law and those most abused by the lawless will be ON THE WRONG SIDE at first…

  14. You’re welcome, MJA. I just happened to hear that part of the interview yesterday as I was driving around looking for Sunbrella outdoor fabric to sew up a new patio umbrella canopy. You’d think in a city the size of Seattle a body could find said fabric. Nadda. Joann’s quit carrying Sunbrella and when I spoke with a guy at our local boat cover shop he said that his shop is only doing commercial jobs while “the pandemic”, so it’s closed to walk-ins. And he’s the only local distributor for Sunbrella. Grrr.

  15. Copper: “WHY are our families being targeted?!?!?!?!????
    Answer: Because YOU target OUR families.
    Bystander: It’s about time to hit them in their homes like they do to us.

  16. AbigailAdams, well you certainly don’t need that today do you. The pacific northwest, when it’s nice it’s absolutely beautiful, but most of the time the weather sucks.

  17. @Kevin R. — Yeah, that’s right! Please keep on passing that around.

    (Apparently it does shine here in the late winter and summer months, because I have to replace the umbrella canopy which has been damaged by UV from that strange, hot, shiny thing up in the sky. lol)

  18. It is too bad that the average police officer (I use that term regrettably because to even be a police officer means you are above average), are not supported by the idjits that other idjits voted for. I stand with the police and I am not afraid to step up and thank them whenever I meet them.


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