Oakland mayor who supports Black Lives Matter movement has house vandalized with BLM graffiti – IOTW Report

Oakland mayor who supports Black Lives Matter movement has house vandalized with BLM graffiti

Just The News: The home of Oakland, Calif. pro-Black Lives Matter Mayor Libby Schaaf was vandalized overnight with scrawled messages associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, further evidence of the political unrest roiling the country. 

Schaaf has been open about her support for the movement focused on defunding police to combat alleged institutional racism. Last month, for instance, she gave open approval to a Black Lives Matter art display on public property. 

Yet her house on Tuesday was nevertheless the target of vandals who overnight spray-painted slogans and demands associated with the movement on the mayor’s garage door and sidewalk.

Among those were calls to “Defund OPD [Oakland Police Department],” “cancel rent,” and give “homes for all.” more

11 Comments on Oakland mayor who supports Black Lives Matter movement has house vandalized with BLM graffiti

  1. When my father taught me to stand my ground, he used to tell me, “Stand up for yourself; if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.”. He was always right. Libtard Libby might be figuring that out now.


  2. …N.B. to liberal counselpeople and stuff…people who hate authority hate ALL authority, which includes YOU, and the more organized Soros-funded Democrat part of this WILL be flushing YOU too, once you’ve outlived your usefullness, so all your idiot gibbering is doing is signing your own death warrant, search on “Maximillian Robespierre” for a fuller explanation of your ultimate fate in your ‘revolution’ even if it DOES survive, because either way, YOU will NOT…



  3. When it’s painted on the street at taxpayers expense, or on monuments it’s a “mural” or “1A rights,” or “important messages,” or “artwork,” but as soon as it’s on the mayor’s house it’s graffiti. LOL.

  4. She really should ask to be gang raped, just to prove her bona fides and burnish her street cred. “Gettin’ DOWN” with both the homies AND the victims, doncha know!

  5. It’s not political unrest roiling across the country — it’s stupidity. The areas having the problems have something in common — If you let brats get away with bad behavior, you get more bad behavior.


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