11-Year-Old Black Child Made $1K Selling ‘N-Word Passes’ to White Friends in School – IOTW Report

11-Year-Old Black Child Made $1K Selling ‘N-Word Passes’ to White Friends in School

Prison Planet| Paul Joseph Watson:
White parents tried to make adopted kid woke, failed.

The woke white parents of an adopted 11-year-old black child were shocked to discover that he had made over a thousand dollars selling ‘n-word passes’ to white kids at school.

A woman going by the name of ‘Mortified Mom’ told Slate that she and her husband, who are both white, adopted a 5-year-old girl called Taylor and an infant boy called Martin. The children, who are both black, are now 11 and 16-years-old.

The mother relates how “we’ve done our best to have honest, age-appropriate discussions on race, our privilege, and how messed up the systematic oppression and racism in our country is.”

Apparently, they failed.

h/t Nick DiPaolo Show

37 Comments on 11-Year-Old Black Child Made $1K Selling ‘N-Word Passes’ to White Friends in School

  1. “We talked to our children about systemic racism and now they think they can use their race to take advantage of people. How did that happen?”

    How much you want to bet that those “N word passes” were not purchased voluntarily?

  2. ..and how is this different from selling indulgences or, more modernly, carbon credits…all claim they are selling licenses to sin, the boy’s just part of a very long human tradition in that…

  3. Considering how truly awful Slate is as a lefty publication, my money is on someone taking the piss (pulling your leg) and trolling the hell out of them with this.

  4. “There’s a sucker born EVERY minute”.

    I don’t care if PT Barnum said it or not…it’s true ya know.

    Does the ‘N word use pass’, ‘allow you to ‘pass go’ when they say it in front of the wrong person? Like the prevention of a beat down which no pass pr piece of paper will prevent…

  5. “He took a dip in the shallow end of someone’s gene pool.”

    I’m assuming you mean the people who bought one of the passes.
    Cuz’ short round made a grand. Seems pretty smooth to me.

    Hell, I didn’t make my first grand until I was 15.

  6. There’s nothing quite so nurturing as to emphasize how different your adopted children are from you. Those kids needed parents, not woke caretakers participating in some social experiment.

  7. “We talked to our children about systemic racism and now they think they can use their race to take advantage of people. How did that happen?”

    Because he learned it from YOU, mommy and daddy.
    Sounds like they trash white people regularly and treat them like shit. So why wouldn’t the boy do the same? But better at it. lol

  8. we are where we are because you say “n word” instead of “nigger”. If you use that language, then use it. The left started by controlloing what you can say and has moved on to what you can think- witness ‘black lives matter’ hysteria. Grow a pair and say “nigger”

  9. Aaron Burr
    JULY 22, 2020 AT 7:53 PM

    “Hell, I didn’t make my first grand until I was 15.”

    …That’s on you. I started washing dishes in a Chinese restaurant when I was 14 at minimum wage, and managed to make my first grand in big, fat ’70s dollahs before I was 15…

    …of course it was an unnecessarily large amount of work…and disgusting, too. Maybe selling swear passes WOULD have been a better path, but I like to think that being elbow deep in half-chewed bean sprouts half the week for all those years imparted some pretty strong immunities that I DEFINITELY needed later in life that you just don’t get from grifting hall passes, so kind of a Catch-22 which is better…

  10. Nuttin’ like child labor to keep overhead down.

    My parents paid me a buck an hour for part time work at their shop.
    Had to wash windows. Inside and out 20 bucks a floor. THAT got me folding money. But damn. That’s a lot of work for a 14 year old.

    But yeah, use your kid as a front to sell carbon credits for a buck a pop. Just print something snazzy out. People will buy it.

  11. …hey, I got a TRS-80 with the proceeds. Taught it to Karioke the lyrics to Bad Company’s “Rock And Roll Fantasy” DECADES before Karioke was cool. Taught me BASIC anyway, still use Boolean operators to this day.

    Pretty fair trade for a childhood, nicht wahr?

    No worries, I still found time to do extremely stupid things, which I ALSO do to this day…

  12. Kid came up with a way to make money off of gullible people and pocketed a grand. Liberals took it away, want to punish him, and want to donate his money to some fascist cause.

    Kid is going to be a card carrying Republican before he’s 18. Innovate, work, make a profit, and then have liberal slime take it away and make you apologize for it. There’s your Democrat party, and I hope the young man has nothing to do with it.

  13. Tony R
    JULY 22, 2020 AT 9:23 PM
    “SNS and Aaron Burr: I had a paper route When I was 12 and 13 in 1964-65 and made about $450 in 15 months. That’s about $3700 in 2020 dollars. What do I win?”

    …saddest, most denied childhood award? But if we’re going THERE, I did make some efforts to sell school greeting cards to my parents to earn model rockets that didn’t work, but I have NO idea what the cash value was because I was, like, 8…

  14. Tony R
    JULY 22, 2020 AT 9:51 PM
    “SNS: Did you also collect money for Pagan Babies? I did! 🙂”

    …I read a book by that name, but I remember a box for collecting money for starving Ethiopians in catechism class way back in 19dickety2, so kinda the same thing?

    That was, like, 40 or 50 years ago, so Ethiopia and the pagan babies are all better now.


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