When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything – IOTW Report

When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything

Hilarious Video Calls Out Hypocrisy In ‘Woke’ Movement.

Federalist: Comedian Ryan Long released a now viral video with Danny Polishchuk called “When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything,” poking fun at the nation’s unfolding debates on race. READ MORE

9 Comments on When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything

  1. They talk too fast.
    To slow it down go to the lower right of the screen and click youtube. When in youtube go to the lower right and click the gear image. Then adjust the playback speed to .75. Now you can hear what they are saying.
    They are right – they actually DO agree on everything.

  2. I find this to be weak.
    They avoided REAL controversial issues they agree on.
    Both Woke and Racists agree:
    – Abortion is good.
    – Inner city murders are okay
    – Keep blacks in failing schools (no school choice)
    – Don’t care if black families are broken
    Conservatives disagree with these.
    Woke people are racists.
    Conservatives are not.

  3. White liberals have treated black people like children for decades especially with the meme that somehow black people can’t figure out how to get an I.D. to vote.

  4. It’s the spectral doughnut, where opposite ideologies come together at the extreme ends: just as fascism and socialism come together at the extremes, so too do white guilt based wokeness and white guilt based /black excuse based racism.


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