Chicago Mayor Rejects Federal Support As Crime Spree Continues With 15 Shot Outside Funeral Home – IOTW Report

Chicago Mayor Rejects Federal Support As Crime Spree Continues With 15 Shot Outside Funeral Home

The Federalist: The crime spree continued in the city of Chicago Tuesday where 23 people were shot and four killed, one of whom was only 17-years-old, according to the Chicago Sun Times.

Fifteen of those people who are being treated at five different hospitals reported the Sun Times, were shot outside a funeral home Tuesday evening when people in a black car fired upon a grieving crowd leaving the proceedings.

Tuesday’s episodes of violence follows another day of epic violence on Monday,  where 25 people were shot, and three of them died. more here

19 Comments on Chicago Mayor Rejects Federal Support As Crime Spree Continues With 15 Shot Outside Funeral Home

  1. Does it matter how many are killed? Not to the Mayor of Chicago. She is so consumed by hate and evil that she is no longer human. She is the same kind of animal as the drive-by perps. Exterminate them all and return the city to those who care.

  2. I’ve been expecting the failure, total failure, of an American city for a couple of years now and it looks like it’s going to come true soon.

    Somehow I always thought it would be NYC but there seem to be several others in play as well: Chicago, LA, Seattle, it’s hard to tell.

    Which one should I be expecting?

  3. She rejects federal “support”? Uh, okay.

    I say potato, you say potahto, Mayor. I don’t think POTUS Trump looks upon the feds coming into your berg as “support”, per se. I don’t think you’re going to have a choice in the matter, either.

  4. i don’t understand how she can actually look like a Charles Addams freak from an old Addams Family cartoon. I mean, she actually does look like that. No photoshop needed.

  5. I thought I saw her walk back her disdain for federal support. Last night’s news she was all like, “Now I be talking with federal and they got some good idea to come here and help us out. I’m gonna let them do that.” Or some BS like that. She actually took a minute to listen to them instead of knee jerking around doing nothing like her usual. A fictional character dressed like the Buzz Beer guy was standing next to her with a mask on while she spoke. She’s really into fictional characters. Add that to her love of Batman inspiring her to be a cowboy census taker.

    “Donald Trump’s troops” who are they?

  6. President Trump, by virtue of his office, is tasked with upholding and enforcing Federal law. And that’s what he’s doing – because Chicago won’t enforce it’s own laws.

  7. @Cecil – “…Does it matter how many are killed? Not to the Mayor of Chicago…”

    Nor does it matter to ANY socialist, communist, fascist, totalitarian dictator. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Castro, Kim, and the list goes on.

    How a half-way sane democrat can look at his party and not see where it is heading, is beyond me.

  8. Anyone remember ancient American history, where some businesses, schools & a few states refused to comply with newly enacted civil right laws¿
    The Feds acted under Constitutional Law, The Commerce Act.
    I believe many of the so called protests & cities with out of control dangerous areas across the nation are putting a knee to the throat of interstate commerce.
    Ike sent in the troops ………………

  9. The Feds acted in the case of Bonnie and Clyde, at least according to the song. A “federal deputation” waited for them on a country road in Louisiana. When they came within firing range, it was all over for Bonnie and Clyde.

    Bonnie and Clyde crossed many state lines in the carrying out of their depredations. The feds in the current uprising are limited to protecting federal property. There is a lot more that they can legally do, I’m sure.

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