Planned Parenthood Disavows Margaret Sanger, But History Books Still Hide The Eugenics Movement She Championed – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Disavows Margaret Sanger, But History Books Still Hide The Eugenics Movement She Championed


By Madeline Osburn

After standing by their founder for decades despite her explicitly racist beliefs, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced Tuesday it would be removing Margaret Sanger’s name from its Manhattan clinic. Like many of the gross Progressive Era policies that still linger today, the eugenics movement championed by Sanger is too often ignored, hidden, and defended.

Planned Parenthood’s decision to “disavow” Sanger, as the New York Times claims, rings hollow. Removing her name from a building does not mean it plans to stop the work she started inside. On her abhorrent views of minorities, Sanger wrote, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Yet she was the creator of an initiative called the “Negro Project,” which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births. Planned Parenthood continues her work today with 70 percent of its clinics located in minority neighborhoods.

A Planned Parenthood spokeswoman issued a statement on how the abortion giant is reckoning with its history and “working to address historical inequities to better serve patients and our mission.” As recent as 2014, Planned Parenthood was handing out the “PPFA Margaret Sanger Award,” which the abortion giant has called its “highest honor.” The recipient that year was U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has praised Sanger on more than one occasion, saying, “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously … her courage, her tenacity, her vision. When I think about what [Sanger] did all those years ago in Brooklyn, I am really in awe of her.”


11 Comments on Planned Parenthood Disavows Margaret Sanger, But History Books Still Hide The Eugenics Movement She Championed

  1. That was easy. But I must ask, isn’t each PP clinic a “monument” to Sanger? And if so, must they not also be torn down due to their representation of systemic racism?

  2. You must mean dead black lives matter, especially dead black unborn children to their bottom line. And they don’t give a damn about all the blacks who are murdering each other in our inner cities, especially Chicago. The left and the Sierra Club has also turned on John Muir as well, I guess being alone and white in the wilderness like everything else is now racist. Tell that to Treebeard.

  3. Way too late to the game. Only a total idiot would accept that they are the least bit sincere. This move is purely political in its motivation. That is even worse than to continue to thumb their noses.

  4. Another ‘un-personing’ by the left except now they’re doing it to one of their own. It’ll be interesting to see where these leads and who will be next.

  5. So now, what is PP going to do to smooth things over with the ‘human weeds’ (blacks)?

    Probably offer free abortions to all people of color.

    What a sick, sick world.


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