Biden Says It’s Wrong to Hold China Accountable Because Americans Can’t Distinguish Between “a South Korean and Someone From Beijing” – IOTW Report

Biden Says It’s Wrong to Hold China Accountable Because Americans Can’t Distinguish Between “a South Korean and Someone From Beijing”

GWP: If Trump said this you’d never hear the end of it.

On the same day Joe Biden accuses President Trump of being a racist — he dropped this line:

Joe Biden: Look what he’s doing now. He’s blaming everything on China. He’s blaming everything on the Chinese. And people don’t make a distinction. As you well know from a South Korean and someone from Beijing. They make no distinction. It’s Asia. And that’s the way and he’s just using it as a wedge.


29 Comments on Biden Says It’s Wrong to Hold China Accountable Because Americans Can’t Distinguish Between “a South Korean and Someone From Beijing”

  1. …Joe, just because YOU can’t tell a Formosan from a Cambodian doesn’t mean the REST of us are as ignorant as you…hey, here’s an idea, Joe, look at the pix of the sallow dudes getting Hunter coked up on his Peking fling and see if they REALLY look like Kim Jong-Un when you’re NOT drinking or otherwise heavily medicated…have Whitmer blow into your nostrils if it helps, ’cause ain’t no NURSE going to, fool…

  2. willysgoatgruff
    JULY 23, 2020 AT 6:05 PM
    “His eye jobs have made him look oriental….not younger….if they tighten his hide up much more his testicles will be a bowtie…..”

    …huh, I kind of LIKE the idea of slowly strangling Joe with his own vas defrerens, wrapping them around his windpipe wet and drying them to tautness in a blistering sun on TV…let’s pin that idea for later, when we need some lighthearted execution entertainment as the Civil War winds down, great idea, @willysgoatgruff, thanks…

  3. Joe is not dealing from a full deck of cards. There is no longer a connection to his brain, so he should not be held accountable for what he says or does. He should be confined to a mental health facility where he will not hurt himself or others.

  4. To the rubber room with joey. The only thing that my mom comprehended when she had severe dementia was my brother telling her he was going to put her in a rubber room. I wonder if joey would know what a rubber room is, maybe he’d think that was a room where all the rubbers are kept.

  5. I wonder if joe i.d.’s a perp every time he looks in the mirror.

    “Hello? 911? There’s a strange man looking at me through my windows. I keep shooting them out with my shotgun, but every time I turn around there he is! Hang on….think I see his face….looks like he’s hiding in the microwave…”

  6. I was in the Navy for ten years and then worked for the DoD on Military Sealift Command ships for another ten years – a lot of those twenty years in the Asian part ofthe world. I can distinguish people from where they are from – and so can Asians. And they think anyone that thinks all Asians look alike are racists.

    Keep talking Joe. Time and reality will out.

  7. This senile pedophile will not be the nominee, the DNC internals show PDJT way ahead in all the battleground states against this witless corrupt bastard.

    He is only pulling 15% of the utes vote and is losing 28% of the black vote. In short he is a walking disaster of a candidate.

    They will dump his stupid babbling ass as soon as he picks Hillezibub to be his VP.

  8. Let me help;

    If you see someone eating spicy cabbage (kimchi),they are Korean.

    If you see someone eating a dog or cat, they are from “Chyna”

  9. Once you hear a person’s name, it’s pretty damned easy to know if their Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Vietnamese… unless you’re a stupid fucktard like Joe Biden. And in many cases you can tell by their looks, movement and dress what part of East Asia they come from.

  10. “I mean who can really tell? When they say ‘me so sorry’ or squint at ya with those little beady eyes and tiny peens… an’ don’t get me started on the wamen… no eyelashes and no breasts..! Almost like children and- and- uh… actually maybe the wamen have some potential depending on- on their age- Huh? Wazzat? Oh haha sorry my associates are telling me to ‘shut the fuck up’ in my lil ear piece thingy here…” *pops out of ear* “see? It’s itchy as hell lemme tell ya and it’s so frustratz- it’s so frustrating when they tell me I can’t sniff any kids or talk about the beaners. I mean come on man, what’s the big fucking deal?”


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