8 Years Ago I Left The Democrats. My Reflections In 2020. – IOTW Report

8 Years Ago I Left The Democrats. My Reflections In 2020.

5 Comments on 8 Years Ago I Left The Democrats. My Reflections In 2020.

  1. I listened to the common sense logic and patriotism of Ronald Reagan in the late 70s and forever walked away from democRATz! Aaaannnd along the way you see that not every Republican is a great choice either which is why I thank Donald J. Trump for throwing his hat into the ring!!

  2. Sounds like a girl I dated.

    Conservative Christian Catholic girl, then went to the university, then went into Women’s Studies, became a radical feminist, couldn’t stand her anymore, broke up, and later she married

    .a Muslim immigrant.

    Yeah, that’s how truly broken her brain had become.

  3. @frank:
    Any buyers remorse for her? I worked with a cocktail waitress years ago. She had a friend who was a muslim from Lebanon. His visa expiring so being the intelligent, but gullible person she is she married him. He got his green card and she got an education.

    She was now his property and he had no intention to go through with the quickie divorce they originally agreed upon.

  4. Two things in the late 1970’s started me on my conversion from liberal to conservative.

    One was a report that made me question Darwinism. It had been bandied about that the spotted moth in Britain evolved from light to dark because of the darkening of British skies due to the industrial revolution and dirty air, which made everything darker, and this allowed the moths to blend in better with their surroundings. The darker months increased in numbers compared to their lighter cousins. Then, someone said: But they are still moths – they did not evolve into a new creature. It was an example of micro-evolution, not macro-evolution. I started to think that Darwinism is a false science that we are force fed in school.

    The second was a dumpocrap politician saying as that his party was seriously going after the faggot vote. Almost made me upchuck. I said No, No, No, I can’t go for that.

    That conversion started for me when I was in my late 20’s. Better late than never.

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