Trump’s press conference hit it out of the park – IOTW Report

Trump’s press conference hit it out of the park

American Thinker:

With any future plans of his signature rallies on indefinite hold and Biden’s Basement Blathers now in place of any public rallies for the former V.P., President Trump’s solo press conference Tuesday was a welcome and needed event. 

He also announced that this would be a frequent occurrence for the foreseeable future.  While it lasted only less than 30 minutes, there were some elements of note:

1. This was Trump, Trump, and nothing but the Trump.  Gone (seemingly for the time being, anyway) are the days of Trump vs. the establishment doctors, including the now highly discredited Dr. Anthony Fauci (or, as I like to call him, “Dr. Fauxci”) as well as the recent fawning over Governor Andrew (“Adolf”) Cuomo’s handling of the coronavirus in the state of New York — which lead to the death sentencing of thousands of nursing home patients.

2. Trump leveled with the American people.  He said the situation with the coronavirus will probably get worse before it gets better.  Although, he wasn’t clear on just how it would.  But rest assured: the anti-Trump media (and yes, as well as some governors, mayors, and local prosecutors) will do their level best to make this Trump prediction come to fruition.

3. Most Trump pressers feature their customary share of “snarks” in the peanut gallery.  And just as customary as “Heeeeeeeere’s Johnny” on the old Tonight Show, this did not disappoint their Trump-hating fans.  A little more than halfway through the presser, a reporter asked about the coronavirus and Trump’s assertion that it would get worse, before it gets better, with “… if it does get worse and Americans keep dying, are you responsible?”  This one was on the level of “How many deaths are acceptable to you?”  Somehow, I highly doubt this same reporter would ask the same question to Barack Obama or “President” Hillary Clinton.

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12 Comments on Trump’s press conference hit it out of the park

  1. “He said the situation with the coronavirus will probably get worse before it gets better… although the anti-Trump media (and yes, as well as some governors, mayors, and local prosecutors) will do their level best to make this Trump prediction come to fruition.”

    Or maybe they’ll do their TDS damndest to prove him wrong. Wouldn’t that be a bare-faced hoot?

  2. The time has come for Trump to publically challenge Biden to four debates. The technology is there to keep them separated as well as having a minimum broadcast crew in whatever protective gear is necessary to ensure nobody passes the virus. When Biden refuses or hems and haws then Trump has to call him out as a coward trying to fraudulently get into the White House. Humiliate Biden him each and every time Trump gets near a mic until Biden blows a headpipe and agrees.

  3. gin blossom
    JULY 24, 2020 AT 11:35 AM
    I heard Steve Bannon refer to Biden’s occasional public outings as “Proof of life appearances”

    I dunno, with deep fakes and AI, you’d have to put Joey and a cadaver side by side and still I’d have to give the cadaver the benefit of doubt.

  4. Sub-humans that ask “Why are you sending federal officers only to democrat run cities?” are from another dimension. Like my Mexican pals say- “Dude, you’re sick in your ass!”

  5. Every question is worded to get a self incriminated answer.
    Trump doesn’t bite and Kayleigh doesn’t either.
    The will power to not just blast each of the reporters.
    They should do background checks on all the reporters and answer questions with questions, disgracing the reporters.

  6. Harris Faulkner and Fox News cut away from Whitehouse press conference because of violent video showing protesters threatening to burn down precinct with people inside.
    Afraid to show violence by these “peaceful “ protesters.

  7. Trump has now told everyone to wear a mask. The two reasons are comical. First, If you wear a mask you are safe according to the left, to vote in person. Second, if you wear a mask you need an i.d. to verify who you are as no one can see your face.
    Trump Trumped them again! Hillary who said Trump was “Killing people” by not wearing a mask has removed her mask after realizing the mistake the left made by requiring them! I’ll be happy to wear the mask
    for President Trump. Our President is twisting the leftists into a million knots they can’t untie.

  8. “Why are you sending federal officers only to democrat run cities?”

    This is like when a gangster got asked why he robbed banks.

    “That’s where the money is.”


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