Mike Rowe Answers a Fan Letter About COVID-19 — It Probably Wasn’t the Answer They Expected – IOTW Report

Mike Rowe Answers a Fan Letter About COVID-19 — It Probably Wasn’t the Answer They Expected


Many Americans got to know Mike Rowe as the host of “Dirty Jobs With Mike Rowe,” which ran from 2005 to 2012 on the Discovery Channel — almost 170 episodes of him trying his hand at the grimiest, craziest professions he could find. Then he moved on to CNN (now TBN) with “Somebody’s Gotta Do It,” The show keeps chugging along, now in its fourth season. The listing at the Internet Movie Database describes it this way:

Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It brings viewers face-to-face with men and women who march to the beat of a different drum. In each episode, Rowe visits unique individuals and joins them in their respective undertakings, paying tribute to innovators, do-gooders, entrepreneurs, collectors, fanatics-people who simply have to do it. This show is about passion, purpose, and occasionally, hobbies that get a little out of hand.

These days, Rowe hosts an online show, as well – “Returning the Favor,” now in its fourth season on Facebook Watch, which has him “travel[ing] the country in search of remarkable people making a difference in their communities.”

Many people know he also oversees mikeroweWORKS Foundation, his nonprofit organization which promotes skilled labor instead of a one-size-fits-all road to a four-year college degree. The foundation has been giving away scholarships to people who feel more suited to that kind of work — and in typical, Mike Rowe fashion, instead of being fancy, they call it “a pile of money.” It just part of why Americans love Rowe and what he does.

Another fantastic way to get a dose of Mike Rowe’s laid back, “aw shucks” sense of humor is to read the fan mail he shares sometimes on his Facebook page. Here’s the latest one I’ve read, which was posted late on Wednesday, it appears. If you aren’t familiar with the format, a viewer drops Rowe a question online, and he spins a stem-winder of an answer on his page. You always finish reading it with a feeling of delight — and that you learned something at the same time.

This time, the fan asked Mike a question about the Wuhan coronavirus… and I’m not too sure she got the answer she expected. read more

15 Comments on Mike Rowe Answers a Fan Letter About COVID-19 — It Probably Wasn’t the Answer They Expected

  1. @ Jimmy Soul. Greens music is so awesome. In the old days i would have stacked lp’s on the turntable and let them rip, now i enter peter green radio on pandora or youtube and i get my fix. So sad to see him gone too.

    and since i’m still off topic, this happened in NYstate today. Horrid governor there. So thankful I live in a state where commonsense reigns. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/we-are-pulling-out-of-the-biggest-back-the-blue-rally-in-america/

  2. I had a drink at a friend’s 50th last week where there were 5 teachers (gov’t job in Canada at $100,000/year) complaining as usual about how tough they had it and none wanted to get back to the classroom in September despite the CDC and Toronto’s Famous Hospital for Sick Children making it very clear that the kids were very unlikely to have a bad result from COVID1984 and the harm of Isolation was much worse for them long term.

    My argument (very calmly) was, Imagine if the grocery stores, farmers, electricians, plumbers, refrigeration guys, doctors, nurses and first responders, all decided to stay home & “Zoom” their services as the Ontario Teachers did. The Teachers also took no pay cut but were on rotating day strikes & got raises in 2020. (fuck you Ontario conservative party for capitulating)

    What would the effect on society be?!?!

    I go to work!

    My life is no more special than my Grandfathers (2) who at least has a chance to fight/live WW1 (paternal) & WW2 (maternal)
    Unfortunately there are far too many people that believe their lives are very important when in reality their primary function in the universe is self gratification and pushing paper from 1 side of a desk to the other. There really is a different way that “white shirts” look at life vs. the way Mike Rowe & we who get “dirty” look at our lives.

    I am sincerely sorry you were laid off. You should have been given the chance to fight your fight as everyone in time BEFORE this BULLSHIT had a chance. Good luck friend.

  3. Okay, Mike…

    Just like never driving more than 25 miles from home isn’t going to stop car accidents, wearing a mask and “social distancing” isn’t going to stop people from getting infected.

    Enough already.

  4. I don’t social distance anymore than I ever did and don’t wear a mask and won’t be tested. I have traveled all over, been where supposedly they had high numbers, sat in stands with hundreds of people and am still alive. The worst I’ve had are allergies. Got me a shirt that says, “calm down Karen it’s just allergies” and another with sheep in masks. If this virus is new and real it will be just another virus around for years to come.


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