New York’s Andrew Cuomo Lashes Out At Conservative Media When Asked About Nursing Home Deaths – IOTW Report

New York’s Andrew Cuomo Lashes Out At Conservative Media When Asked About Nursing Home Deaths

Daily Caller: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo lashed out at conservative news outlets Friday when asked if he would appoint an independent commission to investigate whether his polices were responsible for a surge of nursing home deaths in the state.

“I believe it is a political issue,” Cuomo said at a press conference when a New York Post reporter asked about a possible independent review of his nursing home polices, The Post reported.

“I think it’s the New York Post, I think it’s Michael Goodwin, I think it’s Bob McManus, I think it’s Fox TV,” the Democrat said, naming two Post columnists.

Cuomo has come under fire over a March 25 order that required hospitals to send nursing home patients back to their facilities even if they tested positive for coronavirus. Cuomo’s critics said that the policy would increase the risk of outbreaks at long-term care facilities, putting residents’ lives in danger.


14 Comments on New York’s Andrew Cuomo Lashes Out At Conservative Media When Asked About Nursing Home Deaths

  1. He thought he was past taking heat for his stupid reckless actions, guess not. Nobody’s going to forget what you did.
    He better stay in New York in the thick of his leftists friends for protection, he may not be safe anywhere else in the country.

  2. “Andrew Cuomo is a murderer.”

    True, but…..Andrew Cuomo is the future of this country if he isn’t brought to justice……Like the rest of these ASSHOLES.

  3. We are going on a two week trip to get AWAY from this Benito M asshole.

    Arriverderci Andrew!!! IOW Fuck off! Monkey Face Jr.

    Let’s see how much of the city burns in that time…you jerk.

    If anyone does not know about Michael Goodwin of the NY POST, a Alexander Hamilton founder publication, you must read his columns.

  4. Hey Ghost, might you have room in the trunk there? Just knock, when you hit up the rest areas. And throw me a tuna sammich. There is an evacuation of NYC going on. It’s like an old rumble seat set up.

  5. democRATs love to stand on the bodies of their victims to brag about how great they are!
    Never let a good crisis go to waste!
    Don’t have a good crisis? Make one!
    Don’t have enough bodies to make things look bad… here, force diseased people into the nursing homes! Yeah… that’s the ticket.
    Cuomo should be up on charges and behind bars without bail!

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