Lloyd Marcus, The ‘Unhyphenated American’, is gone – IOTW Report

Lloyd Marcus, The ‘Unhyphenated American’, is gone

American Thinker:
By J.R. Dunn

AT readers will be shocked to learn of the passing of Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party icon, prolific AT contributor, and conservative activist extraordinaire.  Lloyd proudly called himself “the unhyphenated American.”

Lloyd suffered an apparent heart attack early Friday, dying before medical assistance could arrive.  His beloved wife Mary was at his side at the time.

Lloyd worked his way out of a ghetto background under the guidance of his father, the late Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus, a career firefighter and civil rights pioneer.  Showing a talent for art at an early age, Lloyd gained a scholarship to the Maryland Institute College of Art, though he left before graduating.  After a two-year stint in the Army, Lloyd returned to Baltimore to renew his artistic career.  Working as a graphic designer for a Baltimore TV station, he established a close relationship with a young talk show host named Oprah Winfrey, with whom he worked closely as her career began to take off.

Early in the 1990s, Lloyd quit television and spent a decade working as musician, singer-songwriter, and music producer.  He was also active in the local community, and after he organized a National Night Out to combat local crime, the Deltona, Florida mayor, John Masiarczyk, asked him to lend his talents to the new Deltona Arts and Historical Center.  Lloyd worked with the center for several years, finally rising to the office of president. MORE

29 Comments on Lloyd Marcus, The ‘Unhyphenated American’, is gone

  1. “Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.”

  2. I read the article this morning and immediately sent it to Fur.
    Not as much of a gut punch when Andrew died, but close.

    RIP Mr. Marcus. You were one of the good guys.

  3. That is truly a sad and depressing event. His AT articles were always insightful and truthful, and cut through the manufactured black tribal group think. He was a breath of fresh air.

    I am so sad to hear of his passing. This country needed him, almost as much as his family did. RIP Mr. Marcus, I hope that your legacy will continue what you so bravely espoused.

  4. There have been a few persons that I have never met who, when they died, brought me to tears. Tonight it has happened again.

    God bless and keep Lloyd and his family. A shocking event like this will take his wife years to absorb and heal. I am always thankful that a Christian knows this is not the only life, but only a prelude to a much better homecoming to be with his Creator God.

  5. There are only a few times when a famous person has died whom I had never met that made me cry, and tonight is one of those few times.

    God Bless and keep this brave soldier. God bless his wife and all of the family at his sudden loss. It will take a long time to come to grips with this new reality. My heart breaks for them all.

    I am thankful that he knew, and his family believed and trusted in Christ. As an active and educated Christian, he knew that this life was only temporary and he would be headed to a better life. It is a consolation for the family when there is no other lifeline to cling to.


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