Antifa Terrorists Randomly Attack Business Owners and Employees – IOTW Report

Antifa Terrorists Randomly Attack Business Owners and Employees


Death to capitalism!

Black Lives Matter is the furthest thing from their minds, as Antifa terrorists use the unrest that started in Minneapolis by Marxist BLM activists as an excuse to take their fight to business owners in Seattle.

A business owner and his employees share how they were attacked by Antifa after the owner was accused of videotaping the terrorists while he was attempting to text someone. The men in the video below explain how they were punched by Antifa thugs in front of the restaurant where they work.

Wherever violent Antifa anarchists are given free rein to rule the streets, absolutely no one is safe. more

See also:

Seattle Police Chief says, ‘you’re on your own’!

“Seattle’s police officers will now respond to protests and rioting through “adjusted deployment” methods because of a new city law that bans them from using some crowd-control tools, the city’s police chief said Friday. more

11 Comments on Antifa Terrorists Randomly Attack Business Owners and Employees

  1. absolutely hope this continues throughout the summer. the more people see this (& the odds they will, eventually), the more taxpayers will go w/ Trump

    it’s a natural progression …. people want law & order, not chaos from the proregressives … anyone remember the riots of ’68 & the subsequent landslide presidential election later that year?

  2. If there’s nothing on Netflix you’d like to watch, follow #seattleprotests on Twitter for entertainment. Seattle was declared a riot about 2 hours ago and the SPD ain’t fooling around. Maybe Seattle I where this sh*t ends. I hope so. They’ve called in King County Sheriff now for reinforcement though.

    It’s going to be a long night.

  3. It’s just a matter of time before a frightened citizen pulls out his/her firearm and sends a couple antifa terrorists to hell. Then the lsm will blame it on right wing white supremacists, regardless of any truth. Then the dRat mayor/ dRat county execs/ dRat state officials will declare open season on all things Trump.
    Welcome to why you bought all that ammo.

  4. “absolutely hope this continues throughout the summer. the more people see this (& the odds they will, eventually), the more taxpayers will go w/ Trump”

    The trouble with this thinking is there are more parasites than there are taxpayers.

  5. “Seattle Police Chief says, ‘you’re on your own’!”

    Those exact words were spoken by LA PD right before Korea Towns roof top shooters took action.

  6. How typical – after passing more & more gun laws in order to have a monopoly on deadly force, the taxpayer fed ‘authority’ tells them they’re on their own.
    Sounds like we’re well on the road to vigilantism to me.
    “Americans doing the job politicians & their minions won’t do”.

  7. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ July 25, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    > absolutely hope this continues throughout the summer.

    Yes, please! And fall. 😉

    > the more people see this (& the odds they will, eventually), the more taxpayers will go w/ Trump

    Cope harder! Maybe stir in some “thoughts”. And prayers.

  8. @joe6pak July 26, 2020 at 12:02 am

    > The trouble with this thinking is there are more parasites than there are taxpayers.

    The trouble with this thinking is there are more parasites than there are loyal citizens.

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