Motion filed to remove controversial district attorney from Rayshard Brooks shooting case – IOTW Report

Motion filed to remove controversial district attorney from Rayshard Brooks shooting case


ATLANTA, GA – The lawyers for former Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe filed a motion on Monday to have Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard removed from the Rayshard Brooks case.

Howard is under investigation himself for money laundering and sexual harassment.

Rolfe was accused of shooting and killing Brooks outside a Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta on June 12. Rolfe and another former officer, Devin Brosnan, had responded to a call of a sleeping motorist who was blocking the drive-thru.

When a field sobriety test was administered, it established probable cause to arrest Brooks. When the officers tried to handcuff Brooks, he attacked them, took a taser from Brosnan and activated it against him.

Brosnan then fell to the pavement and sustained a concussion and other injuries, according to the officer’s lawyer, Don Samuel.

Brooks fled with the taser in his hand, and Rolfe pursued him. Brooks turned around and fired the stolen taser at Rolfe, who then responded by drawing his service weapon and fatally shooting him. more here

12 Comments on Motion filed to remove controversial district attorney from Rayshard Brooks shooting case

  1. Oh lort. I smell a bonfire in Atlanta that’ll make Sherman look like a small time arsonist if this fool is removed.

    Flip, who’s George Floyd?

  2. Atlanta an Kansas City are two of what must be many more examples of black legal officials who’ve abused their authority to sate their personal animosity toward whites.

  3. @ road apple

    It is the St Louis Dictatorial Attorney that is the racist Soros puppet, not Kansas City. KC was actually the first city that requested or accepted Trumps federal reinforcements after an innocent 4 year old was murdered during one of the “peaceful protests”.

  4. The Atlanta Mayor, most of the City Council and DA are Pro-BLM, Anti-Cop and have all made Anti-White comments publicly.

    So just how is a White Police officer to get a fair trial with these Anti-White/Anti-Asian racists running the show?

    BTW: how is it legal for the MAYOR & DA to announce the cop will be charged and tried for MURDER. When the DA had not even been to the Grand Jury which is required 1st?

  5. Demand your constitutional prerogative to have a jury of your peers and if you are white blacks are not that! OJ the black murderer had a jury of his peers (black) and got off scot free (Keep any sorority sisters off too)!

  6. …SHOULD be filing for Change of Venue too…I’ve been in jury rooms and I’ve seen racial intimidation used by Black jurors in cases MUCH less celebrated than THIS…it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for the officer to get a fair trial in ANY Chocolate City or Democrat run city, has to be moved to the sticks where doxxed jurors can at LEAST defend themselves after a Democrat illegally publishes the jury votes for “Not Guilty” and the Brown shirts move to make an example…

  7. @Here come da Judge:

    I’ve lived in Fulton County most of my life. The longest string is the last 26 years. I have never been called for jury duty anywhere but Fulton County.

    I’m not a “peer” of any defendant here. Fulton County is extremely long. I’m in the northern part and would take at least an hour to drive down to the city for jury duty.

    Paul Howard is extremely corrupt and pulled this stunt because he’s in an upcoming runoff election that’s not looking good for him.


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