Mainstream Media Oddly Silent as Virus Case Numbers Rise in Portland and Seattle – IOTW Report

Mainstream Media Oddly Silent as Virus Case Numbers Rise in Portland and Seattle

Legal Insurrection: While national media outlets continue to bash GOP governors, they’ve resisted criticizing west coast Democrat governors over the rising case numbers in their states.

Throughout the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic, the mainstream media has shown an astounding level of duplicity and double standards when reporting on the wisdom of groups of people gathering in an outdoor setting.

For example, in late April and early May, media outlets like CNN were quick to accuse “Reopen” protesters of being threats to public health because they had the audacity to want to get back to work to feed their families and/or to keep from having to permanently close their small businesses.

In addition to the media bashing Reopen marchers, Republican governors have been frequent targets of these same news outlets. Govs. Ron DeSantis (FL), Greg Abbott (TX), and Brian Kemp (GA) have been subjected to much mockery throughout the crisis for not using Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s model for combating the virus in his state. Keep in mind that these criticisms have been lodged at Republican governors as even normally reliably left-wing news outlets like the New York Times have documented how disastrous Cuomo’s response has actually been.

Naturally, all the media outrage over people marching in the streets evaporated in the aftermath of the May 25th death of George Floyd. They’ve encouraged and praised the protesters for gathering on crowded streets in the name of social justice in the middle of a pandemic, while “medical experts” who once sternly warned of the deadly consequences that could result from the Reopen protests also suddenly changed their tunes when the protest message (“Defund the police!”) was more to their liking.
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12 Comments on Mainstream Media Oddly Silent as Virus Case Numbers Rise in Portland and Seattle

  1. The fires started by the rioters kills the COVID-19 virus so they are safe.

    Didn’t you know that? The rioters need to be praised for their contribution to public health.

  2. Is that supposed to be a surprise? As in someone who works as a reporter ever cared about lives as opposed to a narrative that fits their agenda? That’s cute.
    Ya know Valerie Jarrett’s spawn works at CNN.

  3. I had a giggle yesterday because the Seattle Protest hashtags were infiltrated on Twitter. Soyboy AntiFas got battered with Trump humor and cold hard facts about Marx and socialism. There was enough of it the AntiFa “media” had trouble reporting police movements before some snarky meme pushed their tweet out of the way.

    They whined about people showing up to protest and then decided that Sunday was a day of rest. Ha! Today, it’s 90+ in Seattle-an awfully hot day to be running around in black bloc. Losers.

  4. Do you how to get an AK reclassified from Assault Rifle or even Semi-auto Machine Gun to just Rifle? Have some whack job lefty nutcase proceed seamlessly from threatening while displaying one in an interview to brandishing and posing an immediate threat to a motorist caught in the middle of a mostly peaceful riot with that same AK.

    The media shamelessness knows no limit.

    If anyone can find a story of the Austin Flash weapon being called an assault rifle or anything similar in any of the news articles… they have found the needle in the haystack that I have been searched for for two days now.

  5. Picking up on a theme that the people who love government only healthcare have suggested, if you attend a BLM rally or riot then you go to the back of the line for coronavirus healthcare.


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