Joe Biden Says Women Need His Help to Succeed in America – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Says Women Need His Help to Succeed in America

You know, like how he helped Tara Reed. lol.

PJM: If you’re a politician who’s trying to appeal to the left, you must always remember that they think of themselves first and foremost as victims. Victims of society, victims of male privilege, victims of whiteness, whatever the case may be. All the problems in the world are the direct result of oppression by The Other. Lefties are helpless targets, nobody in the world has ever suffered the way they have, and they must be rescued by… well, by whoever wants power over them.

So if you want perpetual victims to vote for you, then you need to speak their language. They hate their fathers, so you need to become their new daddy:

18 Comments on Joe Biden Says Women Need His Help to Succeed in America

  1. Some of the women struggling are doing so because they are having babies too young and the daddies are nowhere to be found. But Dems don’t want to talk about that

  2. Politico already put out a story that he picked Kamala Harris as his VP dateline August 1.

    If that doesn’t tell you how the media sits on news hand in glove with their side. Release it on 8/1 so she can do the Sunday talk circuit the next day with so many softballs that you’d think they would kneel for the national anthem before Meet the Press or Face the Nation starts.

  3. Of course, they need Creepy Uncle Joe’s help. I have never seen a woman get anywhere in America. Well, except Condoleeza Rice, Hillary (ick, I need a shower after even mentioning her), Susan Rice, Carly Fiorina, innumerable talented (and more untalented) actresses and singers, etc. Obviously they needed Joey’s help to get there.


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