The T word rhymes with “season” – IOTW Report

The T word rhymes with “season”

Serious charges could be brought against the FBI. Rep. Greg Steube explains what they are, talks Russia collusion, and the House Judiciary Committee.
Listen on John Solomon‘s podcast.

14 Comments on The T word rhymes with “season”

  1. It’s too late now. Indicting and taking these traitors to court would take a year or two on a fast tracked schedule.

    If Trump loses, Democrats will not prosecute their own.

    They organized a multi-domestic agency with international cooperation coup within months.

    Our side couldn’t put its pants on without hopping around on one leg before falling over and striking our head on the corner of a nightstand and laying unconscious on the floor for 3 years and 9 months.

  2. l­i­k­e ­As­h­l­ey r­e­p­l­i­e­d ­i ­A­m ­i­m­pr­ess­e­d t­hat y­ou ­ca­n ­pr­o­f­it $5154 ­i­n ­f­our w­e­e­ks ­o­n t­h­e ­i­nt­er­n­et s­it­e ­h­o­m­e ta­b ­f­or ­m­or­e ­d­eta­i­l……

  3. FBI has NOT had a competent, honest leader since Hoover. The KGB man put in charge 9/4/01 was/is (his very clever lies in Congress show he still thinks very well and fast)competent BUT A DISHONEST LIAR for 50 years!

    ?Wray? is a joke

  4. My Brother once stated, “if the democrats voted to burn down the capital today, the republicans would vote to delay the burning for a week.” PDJT has been fighting an uphill battle for the last four years in an effort to awaken the sleeping giant. Many of us may have been aware that we are being dry fukced and told that that’s the way we like it, but the vast majority have been keeping their heads down, paying their taxes and minding their business…….until now! The government is filled with thieves and liars on both sides of the isle or it never would have continued.. Think about it. PDJT chose to run as a republican but he is not. He has served as possibly the most Conservative President in history. If by some stretch of debauchery he is not reelected, I am afraid that we will be fasttracked to the nwo and the statist dream secured. Often stated and often ignored, You can vote your way into socialism/communism but you will have to fight your way out.

  5. “If Trump loses, Democrats will not prosecute their own.”

    If Trump loses, we know that the greatest electoral fraud in History has been successfully pulled off – elections will no longer matter – prosecutions will no longer matter – “law” will be the arbitrary will of the Politburo.

    If We, the People of the United States, are willing to allow the total destruction of our Republic, then a few more traitors, here and there, won’t make any difference.

    Doesn’t it seem odd that the Judiciary, always so protective of their “dignity,” haven’t censured the FBI for their obvious abuses of the Courts? Curiouser and curiouser.

    Sadly for America, and for civilization in general, if we want to stop the dissolution, we’ll have to do it ourselves. President Trump cannot do it himself – he’ll need at least 36 Million (~10%) of us to step forward and do the bloody work. The dispositions of these Traitors must be final. It’s not enough that Treason is “prosecuted” on TV and the Interwebz – and that the Traitors make book deals and contract with CNN for fortunes.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “… honest leader since Hoover.”

    Huh? a That extortionate lying faggot POS set the tone for the FBI!
    The FBI has been corrupt since its inception.
    Every single FBI director emulates Hoover – one must be corrupt to achieve that position.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “Serious charges could be brought against the FBI” — Yeah, they COULD be, but they probably WON’T be. The Law doesn’t apply to Democrats or the Deep State.

  8. Having instructed a handful of FBI agents attending IT Security classes on IT Crimes and data collection per what is now 18 U.S.C. § 2701-2705 evidence collection reg’s., back in the 1990’s,

    In private discussions with FBI, _ _ _ agency students, even back then, it was clear there were only a very small handful rouge agents and technical staff in FBI & _ _ _ Agencies. I was told these were usually shuffled off to meaningless locations, paper jobs or being released to seek local LEO employment.

    I feel there must be a top down independent investigation/audit and house cleaning to restore the high respect that has been earned and the FBI and our _ _ _ agencies as a whole still deserves.

  9. Umm, yeah. We have been hearing this for years and we have not seen any of the real criminals charged with anything. We have seen many on the right charged with BS, but none of the true criminals indicted or arrested.


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