Trump touts cherished Conservative goal of school choice amid reopening battle – IOTW Report

Trump touts cherished Conservative goal of school choice amid reopening battle


President Trump wants schools to reopen as normal for in-person classroom instruction in the fall despite the pandemic, but if they don’t, he has signaled he is willing to push for a major expansion in school choice in response.

“If schools do not reopen, the funding should go to parents to send their child to public, private, charter, religious, or home school of their choice. The key word being ‘choice,’” Trump told reporters at the White House last week. “If the school is closed, the money should follow the student, so the parents and families are in control of their own decisions. So we’d like the money to go to the parents of the student. This way, they can make the decision that’s best for them.”

“We feel that it’s very important, from the White House, to address … money for schools and ensuring that the money for schools enables students to make school choices, like actually going to a physically open school. So, right now, that’s where the discussions lie at the moment,” said White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany when describing the Trump administration’s priorities for the next coronavirus spending package. more

12 Comments on Trump touts cherished Conservative goal of school choice amid reopening battle

  1. More ammo as to why most kids don’t get sick from COVID:

    Serious research there. It could even be linked to why most people either don’t get it or get very mild symptoms. And, why this is not a crisis in so many states!

    So the kids really aren’t at risk. But how much risk for their teachers and families? And how is the ‘dosage’ (viral load) related to it?

    The Federal agencies responsible for informing us SUCK.

  2. @Jimmy, Re: risks related to kids giving it to teachers. Children are at 0.5%, and, as yet, there are NO documented cases of kids giving it to an adult. The risk is negligible. That’s according to Medical Science not Political Science. I bet there are a lot of teachers, out here in rural Oregon, that do want to get back to school. Teachers Unions on the other hand……

  3. @Indimex – I’ve seen claims/statements on some sites to that affect citing ‘low viral loads’ as one possible reason. Apparently, kids don’t carry much SARS-COV-2 virus in their bodies as their immune systems clobber it, reducing the chance of passing it to adults, who may also be ‘immune’ for the same reason. But I have yet to see a major confirming study of it.

    Breitbart or Gateway pundit (or somebody – can’t remember) recently reported a poll where 50% of Americans think kids are at risk. Blew me away because independent research from all over the world – plus actual case load statistics – confirm that kids are not at risk.

    Our media and politicians. Nuke ’em from orbit.

  4. @Jimmy
    “50% of Americans think kids are at risk”
    That’s because 80% of the people are at work or hang up on stupid pollsters.
    My favorite is “really, tell me about it” then I lay the phone down and wait for the tone that says they hung up. Waste my time,… waste theirs.
    Covid-19, developed in a lab funded by Fauci, after Fauci predicts a pandemic 3 years earlier. How is it coincidence.

  5. @Jimmy
    “50% of Americans think kids are at risk”
    Because 80% of Americans are at work or hang up on pollsters.
    My favorite is “Really, tel me about it”, then lay the phone down tell they hang up.
    A China lab funded by Fauci, develops a virus, after Fauci predicts a pandemic 3 years earlier. Not a coincidence.

    Tried to add this, sorry for the re post.

  6. Remember when aids became the topic du jour and everyone thought you could catch it from a toilet seat or hugging someone?

    That was because of Fauci.

    Did you know he kept saying stupid shit even after actual lab workers showed him proof that that’s not how it works? That it’s through their blood (Donations, transfusions, IV drug use) and sexual intercourse.

    One guy became a whistleblower and when found out, he was promptly fired.
    They had an investigation and the guy was given his job back.

    Fauci’s program had guinea pigs (foster children, women, men) tested with drugs and some of those people died or were seriously injured. (incorrect dosing, even after warnings)

    Why does Fauci still have a job anywhere?

    I’m pretty sure Fauci has a forked tongue.

  7. I do teach at a local high school. I am all for more school choice. I meet students every day who would excel at other schools, but they aren’t given the chance for a number of reasons, including money, transportation, and politics ( aka teacher unions).


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