Was Jeff Sessions tricked into recusing himself? – IOTW Report

Was Jeff Sessions tricked into recusing himself?

Conservative Treehouse:

Coffee Talk….

When you are this close to the institutions, conversations come much easier.   According to those with direct knowledge, when Jeff Sessions recused (fire-walled) from anything to do with the special counsel in ’17, ’18, ’19, Rod Rosenstein “should have” held oversight.  However, in his Senate Judiciary testimony of June 3, 2020, Rosenstein admitted that he conducted no oversight over the Mueller probe.

Rosenstein’s justification was he did not feel it was his position to question their “investigative processes“, later saying “everything was an investigative process“, ergo anything the special counsel was doing was considered valid; nothing was questioned, and Rosenstein felt it was his position to “facilitate” the Mueller team.

This is a key point:  The special counsel took over Main Justice.

Which begs the question….. If Rosenstein was providing everything; who was managing the daily events inside Main Justice while the SC events were ongoing?  Who was the internal coordinator for the legal and investigative crew?  Who was the bridge?  Answer:

Tashina “Tash” Gauhar, literally from the school and law firm of former Obama “wingman” Attorney General Eric Holder.

2009- Tashina Gauhar is the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Intelligence. Ms. Gauhar has extensive experience working with the U.S. Intelligence Community and has held a variety of national security positions within the Department since 2001, including serving as an Assistant Counsel in the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review and later as the Deputy Chief of Operations in the Office of Intelligence, and recently the Chief of Operations. Prior to joining the Justice Department, Ms. Gauhar was an associate at the law firm of DLA Piper (then Piper Marbury Rudnick and Wolfe, LLP).  (link)

Tashina Gauhar was the Mid-Year-Exam (MYE) team member who was on a September 29, 2016, conference call with the FBI New York field office about the Weiner/Abedin laptop.  Tash Gauhar was directly at the center, no, the epicenter, of the most controversial time frame for the Mid-Year-Event team.

Tashina was one of only three MYE people who actually had the responsibility to review the Clinton emails from the Weiner/Abedin laptop. [The other two were Peter Strzok and the unknown “lead analyst”]

Tashina is probably only eclipsed by Lisa Page and Peter Strzok in the level of influence within the entire Mid-Year-Team apparatus.  “Tash”, as she was known to the team, is a hub amid a very tight circle.  Tashina Gauhar held a great deal of influence.  Suffice to say, the spawn of Eric Holder is a big deal in the story.

You know what other decision Tashina Gauhar was influential in?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal:

SNIP: More on Tashina Gauhar on Conservapedia.

13 Comments on Was Jeff Sessions tricked into recusing himself?

  1. I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again. Jeff Sessions was such an utterly stupid individual that he let himself be played by the swamp creatures that were actively committing treason against America. He talked himself into believing that he was doing the “right thing” by recusing himself from any and everything to do with even the mere mention of Russia. He’s a prime example of why republicans lose …. their stupidity far exceeds their misguided and truly naive notion of morality and they are easily plied by the snakes that infest DC whether it’s media whores, congressional prostitutes or corrupt “law enforcement” agents that offer the bait.

    Sessions proved himself to be less than a complete zero when it comes to defending the Constitution (including supporting the corrupt civil forfeiture laws where cops can confiscate and profit after stealing citizen’s property for no valid reason) while he hid behind a warped view of imagined morality. Good riddance to stooopid, immoral rubbish. Hopefully Tuberville will be the new senator and will actually defend the Constitution as well as our president. We can at least hope can’t we?

  2. He still hasn’t figured it out.

    He cashed in his lifelong conservative bonafides for some media attaboys affirming the purity of his reputation.

    You’re allowed to shake someone’s hand in your capacity as a Senator when meeting people.


    The start with the results they want, and reverse engineer the whole thing and put their people in place to make it happen.

    Republicans stand their flabbergasted and flailing in the wind to figure the whole thing out when it’s already too late.

  4. Jeff Sessions supported Trump at a time when it was “known” that Trump could not win. Sessions supported Hillary Clinton by supporting the least likely Republican primary candidate. When Trump eventually beat Sessions’ girl, Trump rewarded Sessions – not realizing that Sessions wanted to undermine Trump’s presidency.


  5. If you are tricked into recusing yourself, you shouldn’t be running a major government agency. It really doesn’t matter if it was a trick or not.
    Of course, I could probably find a number of people who should never have been put in charge of an agency.


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