Historian: ‘Africans must be condemned for the slave trade’ – IOTW Report

Historian: ‘Africans must be condemned for the slave trade’

Free West Media: Beninese historian Abiola Félix Iroko gave an interview to local media Benin Web TV. He reminded viewers of the real history at a time when anti-colonialists are busy unbolting statues from their plinths and shouting that white privilege should be abolished because of slavery. He explained how Africans themselves took advantage of the slave trade.

This professor at the history and archeology department of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) declared on July 25: “When we talk about the slave trade, people only accuse whites. But they came (to Africa) as buyers and we [Africans] were sellers.”

He assured viewers that the sale of slaves was not only an isolated phenomenon, since “the king himself sold them”. Abiola Félix Iroko detailed these transactions: “King Adandozan sold the mother of his consanguineous brother (Prince Gakpe) who later became Guézo”. As the Salon Beige website pointed out, he was the ninth king of Abomey between 1797 and 1818.

This historian – holder of a doctorate in letters and human sciences from the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne – did not mince his words: “There are no buyers without sellers, we (Africans) were sellers.” more

18 Comments on Historian: ‘Africans must be condemned for the slave trade’

  1. We need to invoke the ‘International Lemon Law’ as we were sold a bad product by the African nations which we now want to return for a full refund , damages and 400 years of interest on the failed investment!

  2. Back then slavery was universally acceptable and all deals were a simple matter of commerce between a buyer and a seller! Different times, places and people and if we are not careful it could happen again!

  3. The Muzzies back then {not like the American owners}
    cut off both the cod sack & the wanger to prevent them
    from fornicating with the Muzzie woman.They would
    inset a brass tube for urination and then cauterize
    it with boiling oil. YEEE OOOWWWW!!!! That had to hurt.

  4. Africans still buy and sell each other.
    Muslims are active in the slave trade.
    The British called their Irish slaves, “indentured servants”.
    Human traffickers buy and sell young people into lives of prostitution and drug addiction.
    But like the comment at the bottom of the article says, it won’t go anywhere.
    The truth is like holy water on a vampire to the leftists and they control schools and media.

  5. How many people know that the first slaves were brought here by the Spanish explorers? And how many are aware that the Cherokee indians owned large numbers of slaves>

    All this long before we became a nation and yet it’s all our fault.

  6. Africa explorer and abolitionist Mungo Park, in his book, “Travels in the Interior of Africa”, describes the conditions and the long tradition of the slave trade within Africa in the late 1700s, early 1800s. What is often referred to as the first passage for those slaves sent across the Atlantic. The second or middle passage.

    He was apparently of the opinion that abolition of the Atlantic slave trade would have no effect on diminishing the slave trade within Africa because of its long traditional way of life there, and its central role in the economy and trade within Africa.

    Indeed M.P. was held in slavery himself for several months by a Moor (Muslim) raider from N. Africa. After being released, destitute and in poor health, he was allowed to travel 500 miles to the west coast of Africa with a group of 34 captured slaves being taken to the west coast to be sold to European slavers by an African slave trader called Karfa Taura. In exchange for Mungo arranging for Karfa Taura to be paid the price for one prime slave upon arrival at the British trading port. Slavery within Africa was a larger economic engine in Africa, between Africans, than it ever was for white people in the American colonies or American south.

    I have read it is estimated that from the 16th to 19th century there were 54,000 slave voyages across the Atlantic, transporting 6 ~ 12 million slaves. Most people believe the myth (propaganda) that the majority of these slaves were sent to N. America. But only about 5% of them were sent to N. America. 42% were sent to the Caribbean, and 38% to Brazil. The rest going elsewhere. The leftist would have us believe the American colonials invented slavery. They didn’t. They were only minor participants. In Africa it still continues today. Confirming Mungo Park’s observation.

  7. I wish all slave descendents knew African history beyond Roots. Maybe they would think about things a little differently. I’ve taken some heat for saying this but, those who survived are better off than if they would have stayed there.

  8. Our former Kenyan Preezy’s ancestors were slave traders. Get your reparations from him. I can prove that no one in my family tree owned slaves. Can Obama say that?

  9. I wonder if my Viking ancestors owned slaves they picked up in Slavic countries(thus the word ‘slave’) and why aren’t the Slavic people demanding reparations? Or other descendants of Viking slaves? Wrong color? Too far back in time to care? Wasn’t their suffering equalIy bad? Is there a country in the world throughout history that has not engaged in slavery?!

  10. The guys who became the slaves of their neighbors and were subsequently sold to Arab and Portuguese slave-traders were the losers in their wars.

    So the ones who got shipped here were … uhh … not the best that Africa had to offer. Not a lot of what used to be called “gumption.” Go along with most anything as long as they got a moldy crust of bread every couple of days.

    Not a racist statement, by the way – the English didn’t sent the best of their lot, either! Usually criminals, displaced persons, peasants set “free” – basically, surplus population. Same with the ones from Eastern Europe – kind of pushed out.

    One thing I’d like to know is why nobody ever blabbers about the Spics bringing (negro) slaves to America and enslaving the Indians they found here? That pre-dated the English thing by about 100 years. But BLM and all those other phony bullshit whiners never mention the “white hispanics” who, not only, imported slaves but enslaved those they found here!

    Funny, ain’t it?

    Almost like there’s actually something else going on that nobody wants us to see? Surely the “1619 Project” propagandists have heard of Cortes and Guzman?
    (not the whiny communist from New York and the actor)

    izlamo delenda est …

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