Tedros Exposes Another Disease the WHO Can’t Cure – IOTW Report

Tedros Exposes Another Disease the WHO Can’t Cure

American Greatness: In a short video posted this month, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tells us what we must do to deal with the Chinese coronavirus.

What he actually reveals is the pathology afflicting the World Health Organization and our own body politic.

Here’s the not-so-good advice the not-a-medical-doctor offers:

There will be no return to the “old normal” for the foreseeable future. But there is a roadmap to a situation where we can control the disease and get on with our lives.

But this is going to require three things.

First, a focus on reducing mortality and suppressing transmission. Second, an empowered engaged community that takes individual behavior measures in the interest of each other.

And third, we need strong government leadership and coordinated comprehensive strategies that are communicated clearly and consistently. It can be done. It must be done.

I have said it before and I will keep saying it. We weren’t prepared collectively. But we must use all the tools we have collectively to bring this pandemic under control. And we need to do it right now. 

Together we must accelerate the science as quickly as possible, find joint solutions to COVID-19 and through solidarity build a cohesive global response. Science, solutions, and solidarity.

Let’s unpack.

The first questions a reasonable person would ask are: “Who is this guy?” and “Why should we listen to him?” 

Tedros is not a medical doctor (unlike all the previous WHO directors-general). He is a politician from an underdeveloped country, a member of the Maoist Tigray People’s Liberation Front who has been credibly accused of covering up multiple cholera outbreaks as health minister of Ethiopia. 

This résumé exemplifies how WHO has become primarily a political rather than a health organization. Tedros was not selected for the position by doctors. He was “elected” by a majority of the WHO member states. Many of these countries are corrupt autocracies you wouldn’t visit even with medevac insurance.  more here

7 Comments on Tedros Exposes Another Disease the WHO Can’t Cure

  1. These NGOs are anything but. All of them advocate more government control and more of their priceless and invaluable input for us rubes to be able to crawl through our days.

    Quitting the WHO was a great first step, pulling our troops out of Germany, another great move. Now consider moving the UN Headquarters out of NYC, maybe Brussels.

    You want to talk about setting REgressives’ hair on fire, there’s not enough popcorn should that one be run up the flagpole.

  2. “an empowered engaged community that takes individual behavior measures in the interest of each other.”
    We’re Soooooooooooooo fucked.
    MMinAR – befor too long, the worst punishment will be making UN stay in NY.

  3. The self-annointed (formerly known as fascist autocrats) scheming how they will rule the lives of all on the planet.

    Not if, not why, only calculating how.

    Oh yes lots of bullets.


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