Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents – IOTW Report

Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents

Patriot Retort:

I often point out something Rita Panahi says quite frequently — “Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents.”

In fact, only last week in my post about John Kasich speaking at the Democrat National Convention, I cited this famously on-target quote.

And you know why? Because Rita Panahi is right.  And ever since Trump was inaugurated, the Democrat Party and their media handmaids seem to go out of their way every single day to prove her right.

In 2016, the oft-heard quote about Donald Trump came from Salena Zito who pointed out that the press takes Trump literally but not seriously whereas his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.

Where Salena Zito’s observation defined the 2016 election, Rita Panahi’s brilliant observation defines the inept ResistanceLOL‘s actions during President Trump’s entire first term.

He really is blessed with truly moronic opponents.

Every single one of their attempts to destroy Trump ends up backfiring on these clowns in the most spectacular way. Skilled and savvy opponents would never make such grievous blunders. But these guys are neither skilled nor savvy. They’re moronic.

The House Democrats are definitely among Trump’s truly moronic opponents.  And none more so than Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler.

Just look at want a hot mess he made in yesterday’s “hearing” with Attorney General Bill Barr.


Also, did you know that surfing (And probably the ocean, too) is racist?

14 Comments on Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents

  1. Democrats don’t even realize that when they go on these spates where they all make the same statement over and over like “Reclaiming my time!!!!” that they’re demonstrating to the world that they are trained seals, without an original thought of their own. When you vote for a democrat to Congress, you’re voting for some idiot who is just going to do what Pelosi tells them to do, no more and no less.

  2. …never underestimate your enemy. Call them stupid if it makes you feel better, but THEY still write laws YOU have to obey, and YOU still pay THEM to rule YOU as THEY see fit.

    …my wife has a Bichon that only has a brain for food, he’s stone stupid about everything else. I, on the other hand, work with high level automated systems and robotics as well as keeping up with some of the latest low-level medical practices as an industrial first responder and studying foreign languages (somewhat out of necessity) on the side on my own time.

    And yet I have to work for 11 hours a day to buy him food, pay his vet and grooming bills, and clean up his poop while he just lays around all day eating my food and generating poop for me to clean up, and looking at me with that smirk dogs get while I’m doing is.

    …so in BOTH those examples, tell me again, then, who’s REALLY the stupid one…

  3. @ TheMule JULY 30, 2020 AT 11:37 AM

    If it had been me sitting there in the witness stand I can assure you that I would have started going Reclaiming my time!!!! Reclaiming my time!!!! Polly Want a cracker!!!! Reclaiming my time!!!! Polly want a cracker!!!!! Reclaiming my time!!!! right into the microphone.

  4. @ Supernightshade JULY 30, 2020 AT 11:58 AM

    Old mule your the son of a jack-ass
    And I’m the image of God

    Said here we work hitched together
    A toilin and a-tillin’ the sod.

    I wonder if you work for me
    Or I work for you old mule
    At times I think it’s a partnership
    Between a mule and a doggone fool.

    When plowin’ we go the same distance
    But I work harder than you.
    You skin the ground on four good legs
    I hobble along on two.

    So mule mathmatically speaking
    Your four legs against my two
    I do just twice the work for legs
    Just twice as much as you.

    Soon we’ll be making the corn crop
    That’s probably split three ways
    A third for you, a third for me
    And a third for the landlords pay.

    You take your third and eat it
    Your getting the best and how
    I split my third amongst eight kids
    A banker, six hens and a cow.

    Right here mule I might mention
    You only plow the ground
    I shuck the corn and husk it
    While you’re hee-hawin’ around.

    All fall and part of winter
    Ole mule you know that’s true
    I break my back with a cotton sack
    Payin’ off the mortgage on you.

    So mule confidentially speakin’
    Would you change places with me.
    Would you take up all my worries
    And still contented be?

    Would you swap places I’m asking
    Of course you know you couldn’t
    Would you if you could, now tell the truth
    You’re doggone right you wouldn’t…

  5. On top of being slow witted they all operate on an emotional level. Symbolism and virtue signalling is their operating system. Underneath all and most importantly is their hateful natures. They are all stupid, petty and mean.


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