Has Barack Obama Really Experienced ‘Systemic Racism’? – IOTW Report

Has Barack Obama Really Experienced ‘Systemic Racism’?

In a recent virtual town hall, former president Barack Obama spoke about America’s supposed “original sin” of institutional racism from slavery, Jim Crow laws, and redlining.

Larry Elder wonders what happened to the Barack Obama who said race wouldn’t get in the way of becoming president? Larry also points out some recent false statements, as well as some other interesting facts about Obama’s legacy.

21 Comments on Has Barack Obama Really Experienced ‘Systemic Racism’?

  1. Systemic racism must be the reason the jug-earned Kenyan was elected president. He’s as tiresome now as he was when he was in office but now joyously and thankfully he is ex-President

  2. Yes, Barky has indeed experienced the systemic racism of affirmative action, the low expectations of lib prog dems, and the pandemic of political pandering to propel a puerile poorly educated poseur to the presidency.

  3. Oh dear. The lefties on my FB newsfeed swooned over His speech today. It was, “inspiring” “brought tears to my eyes to hear his voice again” “wish he could be President again…”

    I guess what I heard today wasn’t what they did.

  4. …the only systematic, institutionalized, codified, Goverment supported and legally enforced racism in the United States is against White people, with affirmative action, preferential recruiting for Blacks, college slots for Blacks only who also get lowered admission standards, Black colleges, Black caucuses, Black only minority contract set-asides, different discipline standards, total freedom of speech that is denied to Whites, a MUCH higher arrest threshold, scholarships not open to Whites, their own TV channels, their own music channels, “Black Seats” in Goverment, deliberate racial gerrymandering to ensure Black elections and dilute White voting power, electioneering allowed in Black churches openly from the pulpit with NO threat to tax exemptions, etc., etc., usw., ad nauseum…

    …yes, there IS structural racism in America.

    But it’s ALL in FAVOR of Blacks…

  5. The only “racism” that big eared doper ever thought he experienced was when one of his fellow “choomers” who happened to be more than 50% white pulled a “bogart” on the doobie they were smoking.

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