This Isn’t Portland – IOTW Report

This Isn’t Portland

Black Lives Matter Protestors Overwhelmed by Counter-Demonstrators in Springfield, Oregon.

Black Lives Matter protestors who were marching through a residential neighborhood in Springfield, Oregon left the area after they were overwhelmed by a crowd of counter-demonstrators displeased with their presence near their homes on Wednesday night.

Area residents can be heard in video of the protest event rebuking protestors for showing up uninvited to their own residential neighborhood. watch

25 Comments on This Isn’t Portland

  1. It’s everywhere and they don’t want us to know it! Without the protection of the leftwing politicians the little upstarts will be shredded by normal citizens who’s had just about enough of the bullshit!

  2. There are 330,000,000 or so Americans. All the rioting “protesters”, i.e. paid revolutionary actors, if you add them up may amount to 2,000 or 3,000 maximum and possibly less than that.

    Hey, rioters! 329,997,000+ of us are AGAINST YOU.

  3. The only way democrat mob rule is going to stop is if somebody beats the ever living shit out of them when they try to gang up on people. Because we know the gov’t sure as hell isn’t going to stop them.

  4. It’s true. The big cities (Salem, Portland, Eugene, etc.) are pretty lefty, but outside of those, Oregon is more of an equal mix between left, right, and just-don’t-give-a-crap-either-way.

  5. Of course the article in the Eugene Register Guard characterized Thurston (Springfield) as populated by white racist republicans, and the peaceful protest only turned violent when the racial justice demonstrators were suddenly, and without provocation, savagely attacked by the Racist police. And attacked by the violent residents when they (protestors) were Just trying to peacefully return to their cars to peacefully leave. And the only reason the protestors chose Thurston is because (one ) guy had a Halloween hanging skeleton that triggered some snowflake.

    I stand with Thurston!

  6. I saw a video yesterday where some white business owners had dared to tear down the BLM flyers which had been plastered all over the front of their shop. The scraggly, fruity BLM bullies were strutting and ranting and recording the scene they made, threatening to come back “200 strong” to deal with the recalcitrant racist business owners. Meanwhile, the business owner calmly went about his tasks. Heaven help the fools who dare to come back to attack that shop. Their time is almost up, and they don’t know it.

  7. A few weeks ago the small town Estacada Oregon they showed up after threatening the town. Because the mayor said something that wasn’t politically correct, they were going to march on our town. It didn’t go well for them. There were probably about 300 open carry people and loads of county sheriff. Not very inviting. They did try and start a yelling match and the sheriff was on them before they amped up anything. Game over, thanks for playing. They scouted the place out the weekend before and they were fairly organized, but it didn’t help against the odds.

  8. I’ve got a message for all of you Soros funded faggot “protesters” . Does your life matter? Better think about it, because we are armed.

  9. No firearms are required to sort these creatures out; a good drubbing, with a few experiencing bloody pee for a couple of days, maybe a few fracs, and if necessary a “permanent vegetative state” thrown in for good measure and this type of behavior comes to a screeching halt. I believe that the psychologists call it “behavior modification.”

  10. Funny, it appears the “Barbarian Shield Wall” tactic is extremely effective. Walls up, specialists behind hook and drag them under the wall, cuff them one at a time.
    Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

    No wonder they are always feeling oppressed. White man had their number for the last 10,000 years. Must suck being a born loser.

  11. Bob M.
    JULY 31, 2020 AT 9:56 AM
    Wotta shame… a *CBP march, and the TOKEN black guy gets busted!

    Was that bladder leakage I saw across the pavement?


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