Madonna censored by Instagram for posting video of doctors praising use of hydroxychloroquine – IOTW Report

Madonna censored by Instagram for posting video of doctors praising use of hydroxychloroquine

“The truth will set us all free,” Madonna wrote in the post that has since been deleted. “But some people don’t want to hear the truth. Especially the people in power who stand to make money from this long drawn out search for a vaccine. Which has been proven and available for months. They would rather let fear control them and let the rich get richer and the poor and sick get sicker.” more here

13 Comments on Madonna censored by Instagram for posting video of doctors praising use of hydroxychloroquine

  1. I bet it’s hard to get her to wear a mask. Hell, it’s hard to make her wear anything.. Although she might be making some money selling designer cone masks.

  2. If hydroxychloroquine works it blows the Fauci, Gates, Multi-billion vaccine away. How would it look if maybe 100,000 people, actually didn’t have to die.

  3. Hey, look at it this way:
    If Madonna can understand this and convince her followers that they are being misled this is great news. If they start seeing the light now how many will start looking around and see other evidence that they are being mislead in so many aspects of their lives and will start thinking for and educating themselves.
    This is how President Trump wins with a landslide victory!
    P.S. – I love typing President Trump!

  4. “If hydroxychloroquine works …. ”

    If it didn’t work it wouldn’t have the opposition and bans.

    The virus is being used for political purposes and anything that actually works to mitigate it will be allowed if the PTB can prevent it. It would take their political tool away from them after they’ve put so much effort into it.

    Think about that as you consider mandatory mask use.

  5. Almost everything these days becomes what used to be called a “political football”.

    Someone states something on social media and we get a mini-war over it. Instagram, Facebook, etc. are afraid of their service being branded as racist, sexist, or non-scientific or what-not, so they delete what they fear. I think the original intent of SM was a forum for all kinds of perspectives. Social media is made up of private organizations and don’t have to abide by the 1A, but it would be good if they did.

    Numbskull rock singer Annie Lennox pipes up and insults Madonna for no good reason that I can think of. I’m no fan of Madonna, but she should be allowed to voice an opinion on SM.


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