Dr. Deborah Birx Now Recommends Wearing Goggles or Face Shield Along With Mask: “You can decorate them” – IOTW Report

Dr. Deborah Birx Now Recommends Wearing Goggles or Face Shield Along With Mask: “You can decorate them”

CTH: Nuts. These people are NUTS! In addition to wearing masks, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, is now recommending the use of face shields. Apparently in the bizarre world of Dr. Birx the shields can be decorated with glitter and bling to make them fashionable and fun. Nuts!

46 Comments on Dr. Deborah Birx Now Recommends Wearing Goggles or Face Shield Along With Mask: “You can decorate them”

  1. I think ya’ll are possibly missing an opportunity to comply….Just get in your car or truck. Roll the windows up and combined with the windscreen it creates a virus barrier. Turn on the AC at full fan and now you have created a positive air flow inside the vehicle…..Then just aim your CDC approved missile at the nearest peaceful protester…Your welcome…

  2. The pair, is nuttier than a 1000 squirrels. Somebody in DC I did get a second opinion from a real doctor. These lab rats have outlived their usefulness or productivity.

  3. BS. Drink a $10 quart of whiskey a day and the odds are 99%
    in your favor that you’ll never die from WhuFlu.
    That’s better odds than Fauci and friends can promise.

  4. Goblin, my eyes have seen you fools,
    And your slow parade of rules about masking,
    Now I want to understand.
    I have done all that I can,
    To avoid your evil plan without fighting,
    But this shit is out of hand.
    Goggle my eyes?
    That’s bullshit I can tell,
    Just take your lies,
    And Doctor Birx straight down to Hell.

  5. I was wondering if hemp rope came with sparkles, bling and glitter?
    I’m not buying the mask thing in the first place. I think it makes people look like NPC’s. The mask was largely symbolic according to the good doctor at one time. Still is.

  6. Just so I have this straight,
    Abortion: a choice.
    Masks: required.
    Goggles: suggested.
    Being sheared for your wool: expected.

    BTW WI starts mandated masks 8/1. $200 fine if not wearing one in any public space.
    Unless you have a health problem (no documentation needed).
    Guess what I’m wearing???

  7. Dr. Faustus gets a 4-hour erection whenever he sees everyone wearing his masks.

    If people start wearing goggles and face-shields, the guy is going to need an extra box of Kleenex.

    What an arrogant imperforate anus.


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